Notices to Mariners
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Get access here to a comprehensive service for all Leisure users. We scan Notices to Mariners every week, including all port or harbour authorities in the area that issue Notices. Permanent notices are described in the chronological list and in the cumulative geographical collections by area. Temporary notices to mariners are described in their own separate list.
Copyright: UKHO Notices are © Crown Copyright. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and the UK Hydrographic Office (Material derived from Belgium Notices is © Copyright Vlaamse Hydrografie, 2010 -
Notice: The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and any other relevant Hydrographic Office makes no warranties or representations express or implied with respect to this product. The UKHO and any other relevant Hydrographic Office has not verified the information within this product or quality assured it. Not to be used for navigation. Material produced here may not be sold or reproduced further or subject to unauthorised translation or adaption.
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