Notices - Belgium Waters - Scroll down as necessary

Week  30

BELGIUM - Lights. Beacons. Depths. Buoy.

Note: Leading line remains unchanged.


depth, 8.7 at 51° 31´·45N., 2° 37´·83E.  Delete depth, 9.2, close S.

depth, 13.2 at 51° 24´·46N., 3° 01´·18E.

depth, 9.9, and extend 10m contour SE to enclose 51° 23´·97N., 2° 58´·94E.

depth, 3.7, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 17´·51N., 2° 51´·44E.  Delete depth, 5.1, close SW


F.R.11m10M with symbol, red, white and red unlit beacon with X-shape topmark at 51° 18´·670N., 3° 06´·870E.

F.R.7m3M with symbol, red, white and red unlit beacon with X-shape topmark at 51° 18´·700N., 3° 06´·820E.


Q HB-N at 51° 19´·04N., 3° 06´·05E.

(2 beacons) at (a) 51° 18´·62N., 3° 06´·96E.


2F.R, close NW of: (a) above

, close NW of: (a) above

Notice 3499 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and C2120.4 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3499 of 2024.pdf

Notice 3499 24 combined.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1406, 1872 (Panel, Blankenberger), 1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449.

UKHO SCC: 5605.11, 5606.1 and 5607.1.

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios 2120.4.

A very eclectic NtM involving 4 reductions of depth in three different areas of the Flemish coast, one new north cardinal beacon outside Blankenberge and changes in Blankenberge.

The reductions of depth are one on the Oosthinder bank in the middle of the Noord Hinder TSS, two off the approaches to Zeebrugge and one close to the Oostendebank East SHB.  All are unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

One new lit north cardinal beacon marking the approaches to Blankenberge (which is close by a yellow special buoy that was introduced earlier this year – included in the image)


In Blankenberge, in the channel they have two new red, white and red beacons (lit as before) and in the marina two lights are removed and substituted  with two beacons.

5 images!

Week  28

BELGIUM - Light. Depths.


depth, 23, with depth, 22.5 at 51° 19´·74N., 2° 33´·90E.

depth, 13.5, with depth, 13.2 at 51° 20´·19N., 2° 35´·61E.

depth, 2.9, with depth, 2.7 at 51° 13´·11N., 2° 36´·15E.

depth, 2.9, with depth, 2.7 at 51° 13´·00N., 2° 36´·11E.

depth, 18.8, with depth, 18.1 at 51° 24´·52N., 2° 38´·55E.

depth, 27, with depth, 26 at  51° 25´·92N., 2° 39´·32E.


depth, 1.2 at 51° 10´·36N., 2° 32´·68E.

depth, 3 at 51° 12´·04N., 2° 35´·71E.  Delete depth, 3.8, close SW.

depth, 9.5 at 51° 19´·72N., 2° 34´·78E.  Delete depth, 9.9, close NE.

depth, 19.7, enclosed by 20m contour at 51° 24´·87N., 2° 40´·41E.

depth, 5.7 at 51° 16´·93N., 2° 55´·19E.  Delete depth, 6.6, close NE.

depth, 7 at 51° 19´·29N., 2° 56´·63E.

depth, 3.9 at 51° 19´·78N., 3° 01´·44E.

depth, 4.4, and extend 5m contour NE to enclose 51° 22´·99N., 3° 15´·87E.  Delete depth, 4.9, close SW.

depth, 16.7 at 51° 23´·93N., 2° 37´·49E.


F.R at 51° 21´·41N., 3° 11´·01E.

Notice 3191 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3191 of 2024.pdf

Notice 3191 24 combined.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1406, 1872, 1873, 1874 (Panel C, Zeebrugge Voorhaven), 1874 and 2449.

UKHO SCC: 5605.11, 5605.1 (Panel B, Northern Approaches to Dover Strait), 5606.1 and 5607.1.

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios 2110.1, 2120.1 2120.3 and 2120.4

15 reductions of depth in Belgium waters: 3 on Nieuwpoorte Bank, 3 on the Outer Ratel, 4 west off the Akkaert Bank, 3 around the Wenduine Bank and one solitary sounding east of Zeebrugge.  Also shre based Red light on the corner of the Wielingendok in Zeebrugge harbour has been deleted.  5 Images!

Week  26

BELGIUM - Submarine cable. Lights. Obstruction.


submarine cable, , joining:

51° 13´·51N., 2° 53´·86E.

51° 15´·31N., 2° 51´·24E.

51° 18´·65N., 2° 47´·51E.

51° 21´·09N., 2° 46´·05E.

51° 21´·54N., 2° 45´·30E.

51° 21´·91N., 2° 34´·28E.

51° 22´·70N., 2° 29´·58E.

51° 21´·52N., 2° 17´·73E.

51° 22´·15N., 2° 14´·48E.

51° 23´·62N., 2° 12´·15E.

51° 25´·88N., 2° 04´·92E.

Fl.R.5s at 51° 08´·19N., 2° 44´·73E. and delete Q.R, close SE.


F.G, from: 51° 08´·88N., 2° 43´·88E. to: 51° 08´·89N., 2° 43´·86E.


at 51° 20´·59N., 3° 11´·61E.

Notice 2892 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30, C30B and C30E and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2892 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2892 24 combined.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1872, 1873 (Panel B, Nieuwpoort), 1873, 1874 (Panel C, Zeebruggee Voorhaven) and 1874.

UKHO SCC: 5605.12 (Panel D, Nieuwpoort) and 5605.11

Imray Full Charts: C30, C30B and C30E

Imray Leisure Folios 2120.3 and 2120.4

Note: Former Notice 2038(P)/22 is cancelled.

An eclectic Notice: details of the Belgium side of the England-Belgium submarine power cable, two small moves of the positions of lights within Nieuwpoort and the discovery of a new Obstn within the commercial part of Zeebruggee harbour.  The power cable is from the centre of the TSS just north of Foxtrot 3 to west of Oostende.  Of the two lights within Nieuwpoort, one move is so small to illustrate, the second still in an obvious position.  Three images.

Week  24

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


Fl.Y.5s HD15 at 51° 19´·02N., 3° 06´·18E.

Delete all NCBs Q at :

Obstn4 at 51° 18´·04N., 3° 03´·97E.

Obstn5 at 51° 17´·85N., 3° 03´·46E.

Obstn6 at 51° 17´·62N., 3° 02´·96E.

Obstn7 at 51° 17´·43N., 3° 02´·45E.

Obstn8 at 51° 17´·35N., 3° 02´·24E.

Obstn9 at 51° 17´·25N., 3° 02´·02E.

Obstn10 at 51° 17´·05N., 3° 01´·56E.

Obstn11 at 51° 16´·66N., 3° 00´·68E.

Obstn12 at 51° 16´·29N., 2° 59´·83E.

Obstn13 at 51° 15´·92N., 2° 58´·98E.

Obstn14 at 51° 15´·55N., 2° 58´·03E.

Notice 2697 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.3 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2697 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2697 24.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1872, 1873 and 1874.

UKHO SCC: 5605.11

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios 2120.3

A new yellow special lit buoy just west of Blankenberg and deletion of 11 north cardinal buoys along the shore between Ostende and Blankenberg.

Week  21



Fl(5)Y.20s at 51° 14´·430N., 2° 55´·240E.

Notice 2254 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart 30C and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2254 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2254.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1873 (Panel A, Oostende).

UKHO SCC: 5605.12 (Panel E, Oostende.

Imray Full Charts: C30C

Imray Leisure Folios 2120.3B (already corrected)

Deletion of the yellow lit special buoy on the east side of the harbour entrance, between PHB Nos OH2 and OH6.

Week  21

BELGIUM - Restricted area.


limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining:

51° 31´·59N., 2° 28´·55E.

51° 32´·53N., 2° 29´·69E.

51° 31´·82N., 2° 31´·21E.

51° 30´·87N., 2° 30´·06E.

Notice 2258 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2258 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2258.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1406, 1872 and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5606.8 and 5607.1.

Imray Full Charts: C30

This Notice is based on a Belgium Notice which replicates the Dutch Notice in the week previous: Notice 2123 announcing the prohibited area around the intended Princess Elisabeth Island, west of the Westhinder Bank.

Week 19

NORTH SEA - Netherlands Sector - Buoyage.


Q ELI-N at 51° 32´·53N., 2° 29´·69E.

VQ(3)5s ELI-E at 51° 31´·82N., 2° 30´·90E.

Q(6)+LFl.15s ELI-S at 51° 30´·87N., 2° 30´·06E.

Q(9)15s ELI-W at 51° 31´·59N., 2° 28´·55E.

Notice 2008 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 2008 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2008 combined.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1630.

Imray Full Charts: C30

This notice announces a family of four cardinal buoys (one each) marking the site of the ‘soon to come’ Princess Elisabeth Island.  This is located west of the Westhinder bank and east of the NE going TSS.  NtM 783 placed two yellow special buoys earlier this year in the same location.  The Belgium plan is from the ELIA group and the oject is to create an energy hub which will connect UK, Belgium and Norway.  I have linked a brochure with the usual pdf image download.  The island is to be built from now to mid 2026 and then the energy hub will be built.  The location is probably unlikely to hinder leisure craft given that crossing over the Westhinder bank is best avoided.

Week  14

BELGIUM - Buoyage. Scientific instruments.

Yellow special purpose light-buoys, marking scientific instruments, have been established as follows:

Characteristic Designation Buoy Type Position

Fl.Y.5s HD26 Conical 51° 14´·22N., 2° 48´·62E.

Fl.Y.5s HD25 Conical 51° 12´·58N., 2° 50´·35E.

Notice 1459(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.3 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1459(T) of 2024.pdf

Notice 1459(T).pdf



UKHO SNC: 1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449.

UKHO SCC: 5605.11

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios 2120.3

This temporary Notice is placing two new Yellow special lit buoys very close to existing similar buoys either side of the Stroombank west of Ostendee.

Week  14

BELGIUM - Lights.


range of light to, 11M at:

51° 09´·35N., 2° 43´·00E, and

51° 09´·42N., 2° 43´·08E.

Notice 1475 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30B and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1475 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1475.pdf



UKHO SNC: 2449.

Imray Full Charts: C30B

Imray Leisure Folios 2120.3 and 2120.3A

The pair of lights either side of the entrance into Nieuwpoorte is increased to 11M.

Week  09

BELGIUM - Legend. Depth. Obstructions. Wrecks.


*  depth, 19.7, and extend 20m contour NW to enclose 51° 24´·87N., 2° 40´·41E.


*  Obstn with Obstn at 51° 25´·45N., 3° 08´·90E.

with at 51° 22´·57N., 2° 29´·25E.

with at 51° 22´·23N., 2° 29´·55E.

with at 51° 23´·47N., 2° 35´·89E.

with at 51° 24´·67N., 2° 43´·72E.

* with at 51° 24´·42N., 2° 49´·09E.

with at 51° 22´·70N., 3° 05´·24E.

 , Historic Wk (see Note) with  , Historic Wk (see Note) at 51° 24´·74N., 3° 06´·58E.

* = New entries

Notice 912 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30, C2120.3 and C2120.4 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 912 of 2024.pdf

Notice 912 combined.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1406, 1630 and 2449.

UKHO SCC: 5605.1 (Panel B, Northern Approaches to Dover Strait), 5606.1 and 5607.1

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios 2120.3 and 2140.4

This Notice follows on the Notice 766 from last week about a number of revised depths over wrecks and Obstn in Belgium waters.  This notice repeats 6 revised depths over wrecks dealt with last week to include SNC 1630.  That leaves us with one revised depth at the east edge of the Westhinder Ships anchorage which has over 19m, a revised depth  of 15.8  over a wreck well osshore off Oostende and a revised depth over an ‘obstn’ of 2.3m which is 4nm north of Zeebrugge Harbour entrance.

Three images.

Week  08

BELGIUM - Wrecks.


with at 51° 22´·16N., 2° 26´·23E.

with at 51° 22´·55N., 2° 29´·25E.

with at 51° 23´·47N., 2° 35´·90E.

with at 51° 24´·67N., 2° 43´·72E.

with at 51° 22´·22N., 2° 29´·57E.

with at 51° 17´·20N., 2° 50´·96E.

with at 51° 15´·60N., 2° 50´·69E.

with at 51° 11´·94N., 2° 44´·97E.

with at 51° 14´·78N., 2° 55´·39E.

with at 51° 24´·74N., 3° 06´·58E.

with Wk at 51° 21´·46N., 3° 08´·51E.

with at 51° 22´·57N., 3° 19´·90E

with at 51° 22´·72N., 3° 05´·20E.

Notice 766 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30, C2120.3 and C2120.4 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 766 of 2024.pdf

Notice 766 combined.pdf



UKHO SNC: 323, 1406, 1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5605.11, 5605.1 (Panel B, Northern Approaches to Dover Strait) and 5606.1.

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios:  2120.3 and 2120.4

Thirteen revised depths over wrecks in Belgium waters.  Surprisingly 12 of the depths are less than previously recorded despite 10 of then being previously swept.  Five of the wrecks are located in the West Hinder TSS, their approaches or adjacent.  All are in deep water and will not hinder a leisure craft.

Four wrecks are around the approaches to Oostende.  One at 1.4m on the edge of the Stroombank is worth noting in particular.

The final four wrecks are on the approaches to Zeebrugge and are previously marked (obviously) and are unlikely to hinder leisure craft.  Three images.

Week  08

BELGIUM - Depths. Buoyage.


Fl(5)Y.20s at 51° 32´·56N., 2° 30´·92E and.

51° 30´·82N., 2° 28´·81E.

sounding out of position, 9.2 at 51° 24´·62N., 2° 32´·75E.  Delete depth, 9.7, close SW.

Notice 783 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 783 of 2024.pdf

Notice 783.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1406, 1630, 1872 and 1873

UKHO SCC: 5606.1 and 5607.1

Imray Full Charts: C30

Two new yellow special lit buoys between Fairy Bank and the Noordhinder – that’s west of the Noord Hinder South TSS.  There is also an adjustment of depth east of the West Hinder bank.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  06

BELGIUM - Restricted areas. Lights. Legends.

Note: Red all round light and light description, F.R.19m11M, on charts 1873 and 5605.12 remain unchanged.

Chart 1872 [ previous update 302/24 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, , and associated legend, Zone 1, joining:

51° 07´·96N., 2° 33´·51E.

51° 07´·85N., 2° 33´·61E.

51° 07´·95N., 2° 33´·89E.

51° 08´·06N., 2° 33´·79E.

limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, , and associated legend, Zone 2, joining:

51° 06´·97N., 2° 34´·55E.

51° 06´·86N., 2° 34´·65E.

51° 06´·95N., 2° 34´·87E.

51° 07´·05N., 2° 34´·76E.

legend, Buoyed (occas), centred on:

51° 08´·22N., 2° 33´·33E.

51° 06´·76N., 2° 34´·64E.


light to, Iso.4s36m18M 51° 13´·800N., 2° 55´·892E.

light to, Iso.4s50m18M 51° 13´·631N., 2° 56´·095E.


yellow light flare and associated light description, Q.Y, at light at 51° 14´·514N., 2° 55´·179E.

Notice 629 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.3 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 629 of 2024.pdf

Notice 629 combined.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1872, 1873, 1873 (Panel A, Oostende) and 1874

UKHO SCC: 5605.11 and 5605.12 (Panel E, Oostende)

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios:  2120.3

Three changes in Belgium waters.  First (small) two prohibited areas are defined on the Trapegeer bank off the De Panne coast with two occasional buoys associated with the prohibited area.  Second light characteristics are changed for two lights within Oostende harbour (height and range changes).  Third, the yellow light at the eastern entrance of Oostende harbour is deleted.  Of course the lighthouse close-by remains.  Three images.

Week  03

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


Q Obstn23 at 51° 18´·33N., 3° 04´·58E., and

Q Obstn22 at 51° 18´·27N., 3° 04´·40E.

Notice 174 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.3 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 174 of 2024.pdf

Notice 174.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1872 and 1874

UKHO SCC: 5605.11

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios:  2120.3

Two new north cardinal buoys just off Wenduine, east of De Hann and Oostende.  These are additional to a line of such buoys that mark the obstructions along the shore..


Week  52

BELGIUM - Depths.


depth, 19.5, extend 20m contour SW to enclose 51° 28´·83N., 2° 45´·27E.  Delete depth, 20.5, close W and depth 20.3, close NW

depth, 19.8, enclosed by 20m contour at 51° 26´·67N., 2° 46´·51E.  Delete depth, 22, close S.

depth, 13.8 at 51° 27´·49N., 2° 51´·64E.

depth, 16.9 at 51° 29´·33N., 2° 57´·11E.  Delete depth, 18.6, close W

depth, 4.9, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 25´·89N., 3° 04´·00E.  Delete depth, 5.4, close S and depth 5.7 close N.

depth, 12.3 at 51° 27´·10N., 2° 50´·33E.  Delete depth, 14.3, close S.

depth, 27.5 at 51° 31´·85N., 2° 44´·56E.  Delete depth, 29, close NW.

depth, 14.9 at 51° 27´·53N., 2° 53´·02E.  Delete depth, 16.2, close W.

Notice 5001 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 5001 of 2023.pdf

Notice 5001.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5606.8

Imray Full Charts: C30

8 reductions of depth in and around the Goote Bank offshore Zeebrugge.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  51

BELGIUM - Light.


range of light to 22M at 51° 14´·179N., 2° 55´·829E.

Notice 4828 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30C and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 4828 of 2023.pdf

Notice 4828.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1406, 1872, 1873 (Panel A, Oostende), 1873, 1874, 2182A and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5605.12 (Panel E, Oostende), 5605.11, 5606.1 and 5607.1

Imray Full Charts: C30C

Imray Leisure Folios:  2120.3 and 2120.4  

The range of the Oostende Light House has been reduced from 27M to 22M.

Week  48

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


SYM-N at 51° 11´·12N., 2° 39´·99E.

Q(6)+LFl.15s SYM-S at 51° 10´·85N., 2° 39´·73E.

Fl.Y.5s SYM1 at 51° 10´·98N., 2° 39´·63E.


from: 51° 21´·28N., 3° 12´·47E. to: 51° 21´·27N., 3° 12´·43E.

Notice 4434 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.4 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 4434 of 2023.pdf

Notice 4434 combined.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1872, 1873, 1874 (Panel C, Zeebrugge Voorhaven) and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5605.11

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios: C2120.4

Two different areas: first, three buoys marking (with others) a major wreck on the south side of the Nieuwpoort Bank have been removed.  Ample other marks are retained.  Second there is a very small move of the ‘Z2’ port hand buoy within the harbour of Zeebrugge.

Week  47

BELGIUM - NM Blocks. Legends. Wrecks. Radar beacon.

Chart 1872

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 14´·4N., 2° 35´·8E.

Chart 2449

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 16´·4N., 2° 44´·4E.

All Charts


legend, Historic Wk (see Note), at wreck

51° 26´·80N., 2° 20´·00E.

51° 17´·43N., 2° 36´·39E.

51° 21´·19N., 2° 38´·33E.

51° 19´·71N., 2° 49´·30E.

51° 33´·14N., 2° 51´·65E.

51° 18´·79N., 2° 56´·75E.

51° 12´·52N., 2° 38´·63E.

51° 25´·67N., 3° 07´·31E.

legend, Historic Wks (see Note), at wreck

51° 13´·88N., 2° 38´·03E.

51° 13´·88N., 2° 38´·03E.

51° 27´·40N., 3° 04´·32E.

51° 27´·35N., 3° 03´·98E.

51° 25´·46N., 3° 05´·43E.

radar beacon, Racon(N), at light MOW4 at 51° 25´·10N., 3° 17´·92E.

Wk at 51° 13´·30N., 2° 49´·46E.

legend, Historic Wk (see note), close W.


Wk with Wk Historic Wk (see note) at 51° 25´·94N., 3° 09´·70E.

with Wk Historic Wk (see note) at  51° 24´·74N., 3° 06´·58E.

Wk with Wk Historic Wk (see note) at 51° 15´·95N., 2° 56´·17E.

Wk at 51° 11´·21N., 2° 31´·99E.

legend, Historic Wk (see note), close SE.

Notice 4309 refers

UKHO Blocks are UKHO copyright.

Notice 4309 of 2023.pdf

Notice 4309.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1406, 1610, 1873, 1874 and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5605.11, 5605.1 (Panel B, Northern Approaches to Dover Strait), 5606.1 and 5607.1.

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Charts:  2120.1, 2120.3 and 2120.4.

This Notices is probably the most involved (but not particularly complicated) Notice in over the ten years that I have illustrated.  The Notice is derived from two Belgium notices and has a variety of different corrections.

The notice affects 5 UKHO SNC and 4 UKHO SCC, one full Imray chart and 3 Imray Leisure Charts.

The Notice provides a UKHO block each for 2 of the 5 SNC and has 18 additional corrections.   The corrections comprise:

8 wrecks which are now designated ‘Historic Wk’

4 locations with wrecks that are now designated ‘Historic Wks’

1 existing light now had Racon: this is the light MOW4 which is north of the Wielingen Channel twixt Oostende and Vlissingen

5 existing wrecks with revised depths and designation of ‘Historic Wk’ .

Apart from the Racon on light MOW4, the changes are unlikely to hinder, or be hindered by, or much relevant to leisure craft.

Week  40

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


Fl.Y.5s at 51° 22´·34N., 3° 21´·45E.

Fl.Y.20s at 51° 22´·31N., 3° 21´·54E.

Notice 3509 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C2120.430 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3509 of 2023.pdf

Notice 3509.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1872 and 1874

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Charts: 2120.4

Two special yellow buoys west of Cadzand very close, close to the shore are deleted.  One buoy is designated ‘HD17’ (the other not illustrated)

Week  39

BELGIUM - Buoyage. Automatic Identification Systems.

Yellow light-buoys have been temporarily established, the buoy type, light characteristic, designation and positions are as follows:

Type Characteristics Designation AIS Position

Superbuoy ODAS Fl(5)Y.20s SWLB068 Yes 51° 28´·14N., 2° 25´·77E.

Conical ODAS Fl(5)Y.20s SWMini073 No 51° 31´·13N., 2° 29´·28E.

Superbuoy ODAS Fl(5)Y.20s SWLB069 Yes 51° 35´·41N., 2° 32´·12E.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution.

Notice 3314(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C30 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 3314(T) of 2023.pdf

Notice 3314(T).pdf



UKHO SNC: 1406, 1872 and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5606.1 and 5607.1

Imray Full Charts: C30

Three temporary ODAS buoys ( Ocean data acquisition system), two superbuoy size have been positioned west of the Westhinder and Noordhinder banks east of the TSS.

Week  38


Sector light, Oc.WRG.6s11m6M, in position 51° 31´·59N., 3° 26´·05E., has been temporarily extinguished.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area and consult the local port authorities for the latest information.

Notice 3247(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C28 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3247(T) of 2023.pdf

Notice 3247(T).pdf


UKHO SNC: 116, 1872 and  1874

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Charts: 2120.4

The sector light at the Oostgat point (on the Dutch Walcheren coast by Westkepelle) is temporarily extinguished.

Week  34

NORTH SEA - Legends. Submarine cables.

Note: Charts 1406, 1610, 2449, 5605.1, 5606.1, 5606.2, 5606.4, 5607.1 are to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 2038(P)/22. Charts 106, 1504 are to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 2521(P)/22.

Insert submarine cable, ,

Chart 106 joining:

52° 43´·30N., 1° 41´·82E.

52° 43´·52N., 1° 42´·72E.

52° 43´·22N., 1° 52´·32E.

52° 42´·09N., 2° 01´·90E.

52° 43´·02N., 2° 06´·16E.

52° 42´·77N., 2° 19´·62E.

Chart 323 joining:

51° 24´·94N., 2° 08´·07E.

51° 23´·41N., 2° 12´·64E.

51° 22´·19N., 2° 14´·23E.

51° 21´·49N., 2° 17´·91E.

51° 21´·63N., 2° 18´·99E.

51° 21´·62N., 2° 19´·56E.

51° 22´·33N., 2° 24´·42E.

51° 22´·56N., 2° 26´·86E.

Delete legend, Planned, centred on: 51° 23´·29N., 1° 28´·15E.

Chart 1183

Delete legend, Planned, centred on:

51° 27´·05N., 1° 31´·65E.

51° 28´·89N., 1° 41´·03E.

51° 27´·94N., 1° 57´·03E.

Chart 1406, joining:

51° 13´·57N., 2° 53´·82E.

51° 18´·03N., 2° 48´·06E.

51° 21´·65N., 2° 45´·63E.

51° 21´·97N., 2° 33´·79E.

51° 22´·73N., 2° 29´·78E.

51° 21´·51N., 2° 16´·46E.

51° 25´·69N., 2° 06´·38E.

51° 29´·40N., 1° 49´·45E.

Chart 1504, joining:

52° 43´·30N., 1° 41´·82E.

52° 43´·45N., 1° 48´·99E.

52° 42´·12N., 2° 02´·84E.

52° 42´·97N., 2° 06´·06E.

52° 42´·80N., 2° 24´·56E.

52° 44´·85N., 2° 42´·69E.

52° 46´·28N., 3° 04´·48E.

52° 52´·43N., 3° 09´·54E.

52° 53´·43N., 3° 22´·09E.

52° 55´·71N., 3° 23´·99E.

Chart 1610, joining:

51° 21´·97N., 2° 21´·75E.

51° 21´·43N., 2° 17´·86E.

51° 22´·22N., 2° 14´·14E.

51° 23´·36N., 2° 12´·82E.

51° 26´·36N., 2° 03´·53E.

51° 28´·72N., 1° 53´·19E.

51° 29´·51N., 1° 48´·18E.

51° 29´·44N., 1° 45´·02E.

51° 28´·81N., 1° 41´·71E.

51° 28´·69N., 1° 35´·81E.

Chart 1828

Delete legend, Under Construction, centred on:

51° 26´·70N., 1° 31´·68E.

51° 23´·69N., 1° 28´·99E.

Chart 2449, joining:

51° 13´·52N., 2° 53´·93E.

51° 18´·03N., 2° 48´·06E.

51° 21´·58N., 2° 45´·54E.

51° 21´·94N., 2° 34´·44E.

51° 22´·78N., 2° 29´·72E.

51° 21´·55N., 2° 17´·90E.

51° 22´·18N., 2° 14´·27E.

51° 23´·54N., 2° 12´·51E.

51° 26´·81N., 2° 01´·72E.

51° 29´·65N., 1° 47´·99E.

51° 28´·76N., 1° 40´·56E.

51° 28´·72N., 1° 35´·83E.

Chart 5605.1 (Panel B, Northern Approaches to Dover Strait), joining:

51° 26´·99N., 2° 00´·89E.

51° 23´·69N., 2° 12´·39E.

51° 22´·28N., 2° 14´·04E.

51° 21´·51N., 2° 16´·46E.

51° 22´·73N., 2° 29´·78E.

51° 21´·97N., 2° 33´·79E.

51° 21´·59N., 2° 44´·90E.

Chart 5606.4, joining:

51° 22´·76N., 1° 26´·83E.

51° 23´·44N., 1° 28´·67E.

51° 24´·18N., 1° 29´·76E.

51° 24´·71N., 1° 30´·97E.

51° 25´·04N., 1° 31´·30E.

51° 27´·50N., 1° 31´·99E.

51° 28´·01N., 1° 32´·35E.

51° 28´·68N., 1° 33´·72E.

51° 28´·70N., 1° 35´·69E.

Chart 5606.1, joining:

51° 13´·57N., 2° 53´·82E.

51° 18´·03N., 2° 48´·06E.

51° 21´·58N., 2° 45´·54E.

51° 21´·94N., 2° 34´·44E.

51° 22´·78N., 2° 29´·72E.

51° 21´·55N., 2° 17´·90E.

51° 22´·18N., 2° 14´·27E.

51° 23´·54N., 2° 12´·51E.

51° 26´·81N., 2° 01´·72E.

51° 29´·35N., 1° 49´·44E.

Chart 5607.1, joining:

51° 13´·57N., 2° 53´·82E.

51° 14´·20N., 2° 53´·00E.


51° 14´·51N., 2° 52´·60E.

51° 18´·03N., 2° 48´·06E.

51° 21´·58N., 2° 45´·54E.

51° 21´·94N., 2° 34´·44E.

51° 22´·78N., 2° 29´·72E.

51° 21´·55N., 2° 17´·90E.

51° 22´·18N., 2° 14´·27E.

51° 23´·54N., 2° 12´·51E.

51° 26´·81N., 2° 01´·72E.

51° 29´·35N., 1° 49´·44E.

Notice 2859 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C30 and Meridian Chartware.  


UKHO SNC: 106, 323, 1183, 1406, 1504, 1610, 1828 and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5605.1  (Panel B, Northern Approaches to Dover Strait), 5606.4, 5606.1 and 5607.1

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1, 2100.7, 2110.2 and 2120.3

This notice finalises two Preliminary Notices (3028 and 2521/22) showing the position of new submarine cables between North Foreland and Ostend.

Notice 2859 of 2023.pdf

Notice 2038(P).pdf

Week  31

BELGIUM - Depths.


depth, 7.7 at 51° 23´·23N., 3° 08´·17E.  Delete depth, 8.9, close SW.

Notice 2571 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C2120.4 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 2571 of 2023.pdf

Notice 2571.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1630, 1872, 1874 and 2449.

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Charts: 2120.4

One reduction of depth just west of the east cardinal buoy ‘SZ’ on the approaches to Zeebruggee.  At 7.7m it is unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  30

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


Q SH4 with Q Obstn 20 at 51° 18´·40N., 3° 04´·72E.

Q SH5 with Q Obstn 21 at 51° 18´·50N., 3° 05´·00E.

Notice 2492 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C2120.1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2492 of 2023.pdf

Notice 2492.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1872 and 1874.

UKHO SCC: 5605.11

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Charts: 2120.1

Replacement of two north cardinal buoys and their designation marking shoreline obstructions to the west of Blankenberge.

Week  5

BELGIUM - Wreck. Virtual aid to navigation.

A dangerous wreck has been reported in position 51° 16´·16N., 2° 18´·28E. It is marked by a virtual aid to navigation (VAIS).

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Former Notice 2320(T)/19 is cancelled.  NOTE: Content of Notice unchanged, re-issued to include Charts 5605.1, 5606.1 and 5607.1.

Notice 424(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 424(T) of 2023.pdf

Notice 424(T).pdf


UKHO SNC: 323, 1406, 1610, 1872, 1873 and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5605.1, 5606.1 and 5607.1

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.2

This Notice is a repeat of NtN 2320 of 2019, re-issued to update the new UKHO Small Craft Charts.  The subject is a dangerous wreck marked by a Virtual AIS mark.  This is between the Bergues S and Bergues on the other edge of the NR going TSS past the Ruytingen.  I have used the ENC ATON icon in the image.

Week  5


The North cardinal light-buoy, Q JDN, has been temporarily moved to position 51° 13´·48N., 2° 51´·62E.

Former Notice 2167(T)/21 is cancelled.  NOTE: Content of Notice unchanged, re-issued to include Chart 5605_11.

Notice 427(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.3 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 427(T) of 2023.pdf

Notice 427(T).pdf


UKHO SNC: 1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449

UKHO SCC: 5605.11

Imray Full Charts: C30

Imray Leisure Folios: 2120.3 and 2120.4

The north cardinal buoy marking two obstn off the coast west of Oostende has been temporarily moved.


Week  44


A special purpose light-buoy, Fl(5)Y.20s AccuraSea 1, has been established in position 51° 23´·63N., 2° 26´·03E.


Notice 4227(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 4227(T) of 2022.pdf

Notice 4227(T).pdf


UKHO Charts: 323, 1630, 1872, 1873 and 2449

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.2 and 5606.5

Imray Charts:  C30

A new yellow special buoy just north of the Westhinder beacon.  Note, earlier this year there was a small restricted area imposed round the Westhinder (NTM 3455 of Wk 35).  The image also includes showing the restricted area.

Week  43


A yellow light-buoy, Fl.Y.5s HD21, marking a scientific instrument, has been established in position 51° 35´·86N., 2° 48´·41E.


Notice 4098(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 4098(T) of 2022.pdf

Notice 4058(T).pdf


UKHO Charts: 1406, 1630, 1872, 1874 and 2449

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.1 and 5607.1

Imray Charts:  C30

New yellow special buoy established to mark scientific equipment just east of the Seastar Wind Farm in Belgium waters.

Week  35

BELGIUM - Restricted area.


limit of restricted area,  joining:

51° 23´·35N., 2° 26´·48E.

51° 23´·28N., 2° 26´·67E.

51° 23´·05N., 2° 26´·44E.

51° 23´·12N., 2° 26´·26E.

Notice 3455 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30  and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3455 of 2022.pdf

Notice 3455.pdf


UKHO Charts: 323, 1872 and 1873

Imray Charts:  C30

A new restricted area barring fishing or anchoring.  This area is very small, just adjacent to the Westhinder Beacon.  Given there is a power cable just there, not the place to anchor or fish!

Week  34


A yellow light-buoy, Fl.Y.5s MOG 21, marking a scientific instrument, has been established in position 51° 31´·52N., 2° 28´·82E.

Former Notice 920(T)/22 is cancelled.


Notice 3428(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 3428(T) of 2022.pdf

Notice 3428(T).pdf



UKHO Charts: 1406, 1630, 1872 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

The yellow special lit buoy installed vide Notice 920(T) earlier this year has been moved west a ‘little bit’.

Week  32

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


Q SH4 at 51° 18´·40N., 3° 04´·72E.

Q SH5 at 51° 18´·50N., 3° 05´·00E.


Notice 3232 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C2120.4 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 3232 of 2022.pdf

Notice 3232.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1872 and 1873

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5605.11

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Charts: 2120.4

Two new North Cardinal Buoys along the De Hann and Wenduine coastline between Oostende and Blankenberge.

Week  29

BELGIUM - Light. Buoyage.


OostendeBk-E light-buoy to, Fl(4)G.20s at 51° 17´·35N., 2° 51´·92E.


Fl.Y.5s SYM2 with SYM-N at 51° 11´·12N., 2° 39´·99E.

Notice 3005 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C2120.3 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 3005 of 2022.pdf

Notice 3005 combined.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5605.11

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Charts: 2120.3

Change of light characteristics on the OostendBk-E light buoy on the northern approaches to Ostend and a change of buoy from a yellow special buoy to North Cardinal at the ‘cluster of buoys marking the approaches to Nieupoort.   Presumably VQ or Q.  Two images.

Week  25

BELGIUM - Piles.


pile, . at:

51° 21´·41N., 3° 11´·03E., and

51° 21´·41N., 3° 11´·04E.

Notice 2590 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30E and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2590 of 2022.pdf

Notice 2590.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1874 (Panel C Zeebrugge Voorhaven)

Imray Charts:  C30E

A pair of new piles in the commercial part of Zeebrugge harbour

Week  24

BELGIUM - Restricted area. Wind farm.

A safety zone, entry prohibited, has been established joining the following positions:

51° 44´·69N., 2° 45´·36E.

51° 32´·66N., 3° 05´·56E.

51° 30´·51N., 3° 02´·68E.

51° 29´·04N., 2° 58´·32E.

51° 32´·84N., 2° 52´·36E.

51° 34´·05N., 2° 55´·01E.

51° 35´·19N., 2° 53´·01E.

51° 35´·77N., 2° 50´·36E.

51° 36´·97N., 2° 47´·74E.

51° 38´·01N., 2° 47´·14E.

51° 39´·13N., 2° 44´·78E.

51° 42´·30N., 2° 41´·84E.

51° 44´·11N., 2° 42´·44E.

The new safety zone above replaces the existing entry prohibited areas within.

Windfarms have been established in the vicinity of the following positions:

Windfarm Name Approximate Position

Mermaid               51° 43´·20N., 2° 44´·38E.

Seastar                   51° 38´·06N., 2° 51´·73E.

Unauthorised vessels are not permitted to enter the safety area.  Mariners are advised to navigate clear of the limits of the safety area.

*Former Notice 1495(P)/21 is cancelled.

* indicates new or revised entry. (WGS84 DATUM)

Notice 2493(P) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2493(P) of 2022.pdf

Notice 2493(P).pdf


UKHO Charts: 8297

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5606.1, 5607.1.

Imray Charts:  C30

The Mermaid and Seastar Wind Farms off Belgium are now complete and the exclusion safety zone for the two ‘new’ wind farms and the ‘old’ ones now have a quite large single exclusion zone.  Nothing new really as the construction area was already an exclusion zone.

Week  23

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


Fl(5)Y.20s at 51° 21´·06N., 3° 11´·82E.


Fl(5)Y.20s at 51° 21´·34N., 3° 11´·57E.

Notice 2424 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30E and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2424 of 2022.pdf

Notice 2424.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1874 (Panel C, Zeebrugge Voorhaven).

Imray Charts:  C30E

Yellow wave recorder has been moved in the Zeebrugge harbour.  See image for location.

Week  21

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts published 26 May 2022

Chart 5606.1 Southern North Sea and Dover Strait.  1:250,000

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 741(T)/22 and 920(T)/22.  This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 638(P)/22.

Chart 5606.3 Dover to Ramsgate Including Sandettié Bank.  1:75,000

Chart 5607.1 Orford Ness to Oostende.  1:250,000

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 920(T)/22

NE of Source SNC 1406 including changes to depths and pilotage area.

NE of Source SNC 323 including updated hydrography from British Government surveys

NE of Source SNC 1406 including changes to depths and pilotage area.

Week  21

BELGIUM - NM Block. Restricted area. Buoyage.


limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining:

(a) 51° 10´·59N., 2° 36´·78E.

(b) 51° 10´·96N., 2° 38´·14E.

(c) 51° 09´·79N., 2° 38´·94E.

(d) 51° 09´·40N., 2° 37´·59E.

Q ZB9-N at (a) above

Q ZB1-N at (b) above

Q(6)+LFl.15s ZB4-S at (c) above

Q(6)+LFl.15s ZB6-S at (d) above

For Chart 1873


the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 10´·2N., 2° 38´·1E.

Notice 1963 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.3 and Meridian Chartware.  Block is copyright of the UKHO

Notice 1963 of 2022.pdf

Notice 1963 combined.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1872, 1874 and 2449.

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5605.11

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Charts: 2120.3

A new restricted area in Belgium waters.  This is astride part of the Trapegeer channel providing the approach to Nieuwporte from the West.  There is ample room.   There is a UKHO Block for Chart 1873 which shows 10 cardinal buoys restricting the zone.

The emendations for other charts only shows the 4 cardinal buoys at each corner – two images provided.

Week  21

ENGLAND - South East Coast - Works. Submarine cable.

Works are in progress to install a submarine fibre optic cable joining the following approximate positions:

51° 22´·76N., 1° 26´·83E.

51° 24´·82N., 1° 31´·11E.

51° 27´·90N., 1° 32´·29E.

51° 28´·70N., 1° 34´·01E.

51° 28´·76N., 1° 40´·56E.

51° 29´·40N., 1° 44´·71E.

51° 29´·53N., 1° 47´·95E.

51° 28´·91N., 1° 52´·21E.

51° 26´·81N., 2° 01´·72E.

51° 23´·37N., 2° 12´·71E.

51° 22´·07N., 2° 14´·65E.

51° 21´·51N., 2° 17´·87E.

51° 22´·70N., 2° 29´·94E.

51° 21´·85N., 2° 34´·48E.

51° 21´·92N., 2° 39´·79E.

51° 21´·47N., 2° 45´·50E.

51° 17´·66N., 2° 48´·47E.

51° 13´·51N., 2° 53´·94E.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.  Charts will be updated when works are complete.  (WGS84 DATUM)

Notice 2038(P) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.3 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 2038(P) of 2022.pdf

Notice 2038(P).pdf


UKHO Charts: 323, 1183, 1406, 1607, 1610, 1630, 1828, 1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5605.1,  5605.11, 5606.1, 5606.2 and 5606.4

Imray Charts:  C30

A fibre optic cable is being laid between North Foreland to Ostende.

Week  19

BELGIUM - NM Block. Light.


the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 14´·2N., 2° 55´·5E.


light to, Q.Y SS(TRAFFIC) and F.R.19m11M at 51° 14´·514N., 2° 55´·178E.

Notice 1710 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C2120+B and Meridian Chartware.  The Block is copyright of the UKHO.

Notice 1710 of 2022.pdf

Notice 1710 combined.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1873 (Panel A, Ostende).

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Charts: C2120+B

One UKHO block for Chart 1873 providing detail in Ostend and one emendation to light at the western side of the harbour entrance.

Week  18

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts 19th May, 2022

Chart 5605.7 Chichester to Ramsgate and Calais to Oostende, Dungeness to South Foreland.


Chart 5605.12 Chichester to Ramsgate and Calais to Oostende, Ports in France and Belgium.

A Calais.  1:15,000

B Gravelines.  1:20,000

C Dunkerque.  1:20,000

D Nieuwpoort.  1:20,000

E Oostende.  1:15,000

NE of Source SNC 1892 including updated hydrography from recent British Government surveys.

Includes general updating throughout.

Week  17

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


Fl.Y.5s at 51° 12´·74N., 2° 50´·55E.


at 51° 14´·78N., 2° 55´·59E.

Notice 1568 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2100.3 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 1568 of 2022.pdf

Notice 1568.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1872, 1873 and 1874

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5605.11

Imray Charts:  C30. C2120.3

One yellow special buoy just east of Ostend is removed and now placed well west of Ostend.

Week  16

BELGIUM - Submarine pipeline.


submarine pipeline,  , joining:

51° 08´·69N., 2° 44´·34E.

51° 08´·65N., 2° 44´·31E.

Notice 1468 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120A and Meridian Chartware

Notice 1468 of 2022.pdf

Notice 1468.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1873 (Panel B, Nieuwpoort)

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5605.12 (Panel B, Nieuwpoort).

Imray Charts:  C2120A

A short submariner pipeline across the channel leading to the Novus Portus Yacht Harbour at Nieuwpoort.  Best not kedge there!

Week  10


A yellow light-buoy, Fl.Y.5s MOG 21, marking a scientific instrument, has been established in position: 51° 31´·69N., 2° 29´·74E.

Notice 920(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 920(T) of 2022.pdf

Notice 920(T).pdf


UKHO Charts: 1406, 1630, 1872 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

New special yellow lit buoy (MOG21) marking scientific instrumentation has been placed north of the Westhinder.

Week  9

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published 17th March 2022

Chart 1406 - North Sea, Dover and Calais to Orford Ness and Scheveningen.  1:250,000

Chart 2449 - North Sea, Dover Strait to Westerschelde.  1:150,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths, pilotage areas and a light.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths, obstructions, pilotage areas, lights, coastline and pipeline.

Week  8


A special light-buoy, Fl.Y.5s, has been deployed, until further notice, in position 51° 14´·88N., 2° 55´·54E.  Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Notice 741(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2130.3 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 741(T) of 2022.pdf

Notice 741(T).pdf


UKHO Charts: 1872, 1873 and 1874

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5606.1

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Folios: 2130.3

A second yellow special boy added just east of the Oostende harbour.

Scroll down for pre-2022 notices

Week  52

BELGIUM - Light. Fog signal. Buoyage.


light-buoy to, Fl.G.4s at 51° 17´·35N., 2° 51´·92E.

light to, F.G.19m11M and fog signal, Horn Mo(U) at 51° 14´·44N., 2° 54´·97E.

Notice 5483 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart 2120.3 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 5483 of 2021.pdf

Notice 5483 combined.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1872, 1873 (Panel A, Oostende), 1874 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Folios: 2120.3 and 2120.3B

Change of light characteristics at the Oostendebanke-E starboard hand buoy on the approach channel to Ostend and change of light height and strength of the Port hand harbour light at Ostend.

Week  50



Fl.Y.5s  at 51° 25´·07N., 3° 18´·01E.

Notice 5171 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.4 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 5171 of 2021.pdf

Notice 5171.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1874

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Folios: 2120.4

Delete of the yellow Special buoy that was located very adjacent to the MOW4 beacon east of Zeebrugge for the in-shore channel to Vlissingen.

Week  50



Fl.Y.5s  at 51° 25´·07N., 3° 18´·01E.

Notice 5171 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2120.4 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 5171 of 2021.pdf

Notice 5171.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1874

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Folios: 2120.4

Delete of the yellow Special buoy that was located very adjacent to the MOW4 beacon east of Zeebrugge for the in-shore channel to Vlissingen.

Week  44

Admiralty Charts to be published 18 November 2021

ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts

SC5605  Edition 1

Chichester to Ramsgate and Calais to Oostende.

5605_1 A Western Approaches to Dover Strait. 1:500,000:  B Northern Approaches to Dover Strait. 1:250,000

5605_2 Dover to Calais. 1:150,000

5605_3 Chichester to Worthing. 1:75,000

5605_4 A Worthing to Newhaven. 1:75,000:   Shoreham Harbour Western Arm and River Adur. 1:5,000

5605_5 A Newhaven to Hastings. 1:75,000:  B Sovereign Harbour. 1:15,000

5605_6 A Hastings to Dungeness. 1:75,000:  B Rye. 1:25,000

5605_7 Dungeness to South Foreland. 1:75,000

5605_8 Dover to Deal. 1:37,500

5605_9 Deal to Ramsgate. 1:37,500

5605_10 Calais to Dunkerque. 1:75,000

5605_11 France and Belgium, Dunkerque to Blankenberge. 1:100,000

5605_12 Ports in France and Belgium. -

A France, North Coast Calais. 1:15,000

B France, North Coast Gravelines. 1:20,000

C France, North Coast Dunkerque. 1:20,000

D Belgium, Nieuwpoort. 1:20,000

E Belgium, Oostende. 1:15,000

5605_13 A Newhaven Harbour. 1:5,000

B Littlehampton Harbour. 1:6,250

C Brighton Marina. 1:5,000

D Folkestone Harbour. 1:5,000

5605_14 A Dover. 1:6,250:  B Shoreham Harbour Eastern Arm. 1:5,000:  C Shoreham Harbour The Canal. 1:5,000

5605_15 Ramsgate and Approaches. - A Approaches to Ramsgate. 1:12,500:  B Ramsgate. 1:5,000

One of a series of new Small Craft charts, replacing the Leisure folios. For the convenience of chart users, the number of the withdrawn folio has been retained for these new charts. All sheets have been fully updated for New Editions and Notice to Mariners affecting source charts.

Week  43

BELGIUM - Buoyage.


Fl.Y.5s H8 at 51° 14´·31N., 2° 48´·79E.


Fl.Y.5s H8 at 51° 13´·31N., 2° 52´·17E.

Notice 4287 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C2130+3 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 4287 of 2021.pdf

Notice 4287.pdf


UKHO Charts:  2449

Imray Charts:  C30

Imray Leisure Folios: 2130.3

The Yellow Special Buoy ‘H*’ once close to a wreck and obstructions west of Ostend has now been moved well off shore.  The reason for the move is not obvious!

Week  35

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published 02 September 2021

Chart 1872 North Sea , Dunkerque to Vlissingen.  1:100,000

Blankenberge.  1:15,000

This chart is referred to WGS84 Datum.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 428(P)/19 is cancelled. This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by

Notice 1495(P)/21. This chart remains affected by Notices 2320(T)/19, 68(T)/21, 430(T)/21, 2167(T)/21 and 2759(T)/21.

Chart 1873 International Chart Series, North Sea, Dunkerque to Oostende.  1:60,000

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 2320(T)/19, 68(T)/21 and 2167(T)/21.

Chart 1874 International Chart Series, North Sea, Westerschelde, Oostende to Westkapelle.  1:60,000

A Brugge.  1:15,000

B Zeebrugge Achterhaven. (51° 17’·58 N — 51° 19’·93 N., 3° 11’·40 E — 3° 14’·65 W.)  1:20,000

C Zeebrugge Voorhaven.  1:20,000

This chart is referred to WGS84 Datum.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 428(P)/19 is cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notices 430(T)/21, 2167(T)/21 and 2759(T)21. This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 1495(P)/21.

Includes changes to depths and submarine cables. (A modified reproduction of D11 published by Belgium.)

Includes changes to depths and buoyage. (A modified reproduction of INT chart 1480 published by Belgium.)

Includes changes to depths, submarine cables and limits. A new panel has been included providing improved coverage of Zeebrugge Achterhaven. (A modified reproduction of INT chart 1474 published by the Hydrographic office of Belgium.) This chart is included in the International Chart Series.

Week  26

BELGIUM - Platform. Restricted area.


at (a) 51° 14´·78N., 2° 55´·16E.

circular limit of restricted area, entry prohibited,  , radius 220m, centred on: (a) above

Notice 2626 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 2626 of 2021.pdf

Notice 2626.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1873 and 1874

Imray Charts:  C30

A new platform just east of the Ostend harbour entrance.  A prohibited area of 220m radius around it.

Week  21


The North cardinal light-buoy, Q JDN, has been temporarily moved to position 51° 13´·48N., 2° 51´·62E.  Former Notice 6047(T)/20 is cancelled.


Notice 2167(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 2167(T) of 2021.pdf

Notice 2167(T).pdf


UKHO Charts:  1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

A small move south of the Temporary north cardinal buoy marking a wreck west of Oostende harbour.

Week  16



the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 20´·9N., 3° 11´·8E.

Notice 1591

Block is copyright of UKHO

Notice 1591 of 2021.pdf

Notice 1591.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1874 (Panel A, Zeebrugge)

Imray Charts:  C30E

A new UKHO block which amends part of Zeebrugge harbour which can be downloaded.

Week  15

BELGIUM - Restricted area. Wind farm.

A safety zone, entry prohibited, has been established joining the following positions:

51° 44´·69N., 2° 45´·36E.

51° 32´·66N., 3° 05´·56E.

51° 30´·51N., 3° 02´·68E.

51° 29´·04N., 2° 58´·32E.

51° 32´·84N., 2° 52´·36E.

51° 34´·05N., 2° 55´·01E.

51° 35´·19N., 2° 53´·01E.

51° 35´·77N., 2° 50´·36E.

51° 36´·97N., 2° 47´·74E.

51° 38´·01N., 2° 47´·14E.

51° 39´·13N., 2° 44´·78E.

51° 42´·30N., 2° 41´·84E.

51° 44´·11N., 2° 42´·44E.

The new safety zone above replaces the existing entry prohibited areas within.

Windfarms have been established in the vicinity of the following positions:

Windfarm Name      Approximate Position

Mermaid                    51° 43´·20N., 2° 44´·38E.

Seastar                       51° 38´·06N., 2° 51´·73E.

Unauthorised vessels are not permitted to enter the safety area.  Mariners are advised to navigate clear of the limits of the safety area.

These changes will be included in the next New Edition of Charts 110, 1406, 1630, 1872, 1874.

Former Notices 2741(P)/19 and 2927(P)/19 are cancelled. (WGS84 DATUM)

Notice 1495(P) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 1495(P) of 2021.pdf

Notice 1495(P).pdf


UKHO Charts:  110, 1406, 1630, 1872, 1874, 2449, 8012 and 8297

Imray Charts:  C30

A new safety zone – which means ‘No entry’ for leisure craft – replaces previous safety zones as it now includes the Mermaid and Seastar Wind Farm of Belgium.

Week  9

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published 04 March 2021

Chart 323 - International Chart Series, Dover Strait, Eastern Part.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 2320(T)/19, 6186(T)/20 and 68(T)/21. This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 402(P)/21.


Chart 1350 - International Chart Series, France - North Coast, Dunkerque and Approaches.

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 402(P)/21.


Chart 1351 - International Chart Series, France - North Coast, Approaches to Calais.  1:15,000

Calais. 1:7,500

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 402(P)/21.

Chart 1406 North Sea, Dover and Calais to Orford Ness and Scheveningen. 1:250,000

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 900(P)/21 is cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notices 2320(T)/19, 2741(P)/19, 2927(P)/19, 1196(P)/20, 4079(T)/20, 6186(T)/20 and 67(P)/21. This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 402(P)/21.

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government surveys.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new compulsory pilotage limits. (A modified reproduction of INT1482 published by France.)

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new compulsory pilotage limits. (A modified reproduction of INT1483 published by France.)

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new compulsory pilotage limits.

Week  3



the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 14´·3N., 2° 55´·4E.

Notice 225 refers

The Block is copyright of the UKHO.

Notice 225 of 2021.pdf

Notice 225.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1873 (Panel A, Oostende)

Imray Charts:  C30C

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.5.

A new UKHO block for Oostende Harbour for Chart 1873.

Week  1



the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 38´·8N., 2° 47´·2E.

Notice 77 refers

The Block is UKHO copyright.

Notice 77 of 2021.pdf

Notice 77.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1630

Imray Charts:  C30

A new UKHO block covering the Belwind Wind Farm in Belgium Waters.

2020 Notices for this area below

Week  51


A North cardinal light-buoy, Q JDN, has been temporarily established in position 51°13´·60N., 2° 51´·40E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Notice 6047(T) of 2020.pdfNotice 6047(T) refers

Notice 6047(T).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

New North Cardinal Buoy temporarily installed on the north side of the Kleine Rede channel approaching Ostend from the West.

Week  43

BELGIUM - NM Blocks. Submarine power cables.

Chart 1872

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 36’ ·5N. , 2° 49’ ·3E.

Chart 1874

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 36’ ·2N. , 2° 49’ ·8E.

Chart 2449


submarine power cable, , joining:

51° 40´·66N., 2° 43´·31E.

51° 39´·71N., 2° 44´·15E.

51° 39´·27N., 2° 43´·80E.

51° 38´·58N., 2° 45´·16E.


51° 37´·45N., 2° 50´·66E.

51° 37´·17N., 2° 50´·34E.

51° 36´·21N., 2° 50´·08E.

51° 35´·57N., 2° 49´·57E.

Notice 5090 of 2020.pdfNotice 5090 refers

Notice 5090.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1872 and 1874.

Imray Charts:  C30

Two UKHO blocks are issued for two charts each covering the new submarine power cable for the Belwind Wind Farm.  Co-ordinates for a third chart, Chart 2449 is included in the Notice.  One UKHO blocks is illustrated but both can be downloaded from the button.  See also Notice 2578(P) in Week 21 which provides a chartlet giving an overview.

Week  41

BELGIUM - Lights.

Note: Light designations and radar beacon remain unchanged.


light to Fl(5)20s at:

51° 21´·63N., 3° 07´·10E.

51° 23´·38N., 3° 11´·93E.

51° 21´·77N., 3° 17´·41E.

Notice 4839 of 2020.pdfNotice 4839 refers

Notice 4839.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1630, 1872, 1874 and 2449.

Imray Charts:  Y30

The three MOW beacons; MOW1, MOW2 and MOW3 have been changed lights from yellow to white.  Otherwise no other changes.

Week  40

BELGIUM - Wind turbines. Wind farm. Restricted area.

Note: Former Notice 3093(P)/20 is cancelled.


symbol, wind turbine, Fl(3)Y.15s Horn Mo(U)15s at:

51° 42´·56N., 2° 46´·91E.

51° 41´·30N., 2° 43´·41E.

51° 40´·56N., 2° 44´·04E.

51° 39´·50N., 2° 45´·07E.

symbol, wind farm, Northwester 2 at 51° 42´·00N., 2° 45´·48E.

limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining:

51° 42´·89N., 2° 47´·67E.

51° 38´·89N., 2° 45´·29E.

51° 39´·13N., 2° 44´·78E.

51° 41´·24N., 2° 42´·82E.

51° 42´·51N., 2° 45´·42E.

Notice 4692 of 2020.pdfNotice 4692 refers

Notice 3093(P).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1630

Imray Charts:  C30

This notice repeats the Preliminary NtM 3093(P) earlier this year.  Note the marked area of the Wind Farm is restricted.

Week  39

BELGIUM - Depths.


depth, 13.5 at 51° 20´·20N., 2° 35´·62E.  Delete depth, 14.8, close N.

depth, 18.2 at 51° 22´·47N., 2° 34´·51E.  Delete depth, 18.6, close SW

depth, 18.8 at 51° 24´·53N., 2° 38´·53E.  Delete depth, 19.3, close SE

depth, 14.9 at 51° 19´·84N., 2° 35´·72E.  Delete depth, 15.7, close SE


depth, 13.6, with depth, 13.1 at 51° 21´·52N., 2° 31´·67E..

Notice 4609 of 2020.pdfNotice 4609 refers

Notice 4609.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1406, 1872, 1873 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

5 new reductions of depth east of the Oost Dyck bank.  At all over 13m or more, unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  39

BELGIUM - Platform. Automatic Identification System. Radar beacon. Restricted area.

Note: Former Notice 242(T)/19 is cancelled.


Automatic Identification System, AIS, at platform

radar beacon, Racon(D), at platform

circular limit of restricted area, radius 515m, ,

all centred on 51° 34´·94N., 2° 52´·12E.

Notice 4621 of 2020.pdfNotice 4621 refers

Notice 4621.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1630

Imray Charts:  C30

A new control tower for the Belgium Rentel Wind Farm with AIS, Racon(D) and an exclusion zone.

Week  36

BELGIUM - Jetty. Light.


jetty, single firm line, joining:

(a) 51° 21´·32N., 3° 10´·68E.

(b) 51° 21´·34N., 3° 10´·71E.


from:  (a) above to: (b) above

Notice 4269 of 2020.pdfNotice 4269 refers

Notice 4269.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30E and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1874

Imray Charts:  C30E

New Jetty in the Wielingendok in Zeebrugge and the light moved to the end of the new Jetty.

Week  36

BELGIUM - Depths.


depth, 16.3, with depth 15.7 at 51° 21´·54N., 2° 24´·38E.


depth, 22 at 51° 20´·98N., 2° 24´·17E.  Delete depth, 23, close SE.

Notice 4270 of 2020.pdfNotice 4270 refers

Notice 4270.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  323, 1872, 1873 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

Two reductions of depth on the edge of the West Hinder TSS north of the Bergues N cardinal buoy.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  26

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts 9th July, 2020

Chart 1872 - North Sea , Dunkerque to Vlissingen.  1:100,000

Blankenberge.  1:15,000

Chart 1874 - International Chart Series, North Sea, Westerschelde, Oostende to Westkapelle.


A Zeebrugge.  1:20,000

B Brugge.  1:15,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new restricted area, marine reserve and changes to marine reserve, mine laying practice area and restricted area. (A modified reproduction of Chart D11 published by Belgium).

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: a new restricted area and changes to marine reserves, mine laying practice area and restricted area. (A modified reproduction of INT 1474 published by Belgium).

Week  25

BELGIUM - Wind farm. Restricted area. Submarine power cable. Lights. Works.


Following the completion of the Norther Wind Farm, a safety zone, entry prohibited, has been established, joining the following positions:

51° 30´·69N., 2° 55´·74E.

51° 29´·04N., 2° 58´·32E.

51° 30´·51N., 3° 02´·68E.

51° 30´·57N., 3° 02´·76E.

51° 32´·66N., 3° 05´·56E.

51° 33´·01N., 3° 04´·88E.

51° 33´·05N., 3° 04´·81E.

51° 33´·82N., 3° 03´·53E.

51° 33´·83N., 3° 03´·51E.

51° 34´·83N., 3° 01´·83E.

51° 34´·65N., 3° 01´·29E.

51° 33´·77N., 3° 01´·55E.

51° 33´·62N., 3° 01´·48E.

51° 33´·52N., 3° 01´·27E.

51° 33´·36N., 3° 00´·79E.

51° 33´·17N., 3° 00´·39E.

51° 32´·92N., 3° 00´·02E.

51° 32´·65N., 2° 59´·63E.

51° 32´·39N., 2° 59´·18E.

51° 32´·31N., 2° 59´·05E.

51° 32´·30N., 2° 58´·48E.

51° 31´·87N., 2° 58´·06E.

51° 31´·15N., 2° 56´·48E.

51° 30´·96N., 2° 55´·83E.

A submarine power cable has been laid, joining the following positions:

51° 40´·65N., 2° 46´·32E.

51° 38´·60N., 2° 45´·14E.

51° 38´·12N., 2° 46´·18E.

51° 37´·80N., 2° 46´·61E.

51° 36´·52N., 2° 47´·23E.

51° 36´·10N., 2° 48´·45E.

51° 35´·55N., 2° 49´·55E.

51° 35´·05N., 2° 50´·90E.

51° 34´·96N., 2° 51´·74E.

51° 35´·00N., 2° 51´·98E.

51° 34´·95N., 2° 52´·10E.

Within the Port of Zeebrugge lights have been established in the following positions:

Characteristic          Position

F.G                             51° 21´·61N., 3° 11´·25E.

F.R                              51° 21´·56N., 3° 12´·28E.

Changes to the works area within Albert II-dok have taken place. The following light-buoys have been moved:

Characteristic   Designation   Former Position                    New Position

Fl.G.5s                ZA3                 51° 20´·97N., 3° 11´·25E.      51° 20´·85N., 3° 11´·00E.

Q.G                    ZA5                  51° 20´·87N., 3° 11´·07E.      51° 20´·73N., 3° 10´·76E.

The port hand light-buoy Q.G ZA9, in position, 51° 20´·80N., 3° 10´·91E., has been removed.

These changes will be included in New Editions of Charts 1872, 1874 and 2449 to be published mid 2020.  Charts 110, 1630 and 1406 will be updated by Notice to Mariners.

Former Notice 2578(P)/20 is cancelled.  (WGS84 DATUM)

Notice 2973(P) refers


UKHO Charts:  110, 1630, 1872, 1874, 2449 and 8012

Imray Charts:  C30

This notice is identical to NtM 2578(P) issued in week 21.  This notifies the restricted area of the Norther Wind Farm, submarine cable and lights changes within Zeebrugge.

Refer to the images in the notice in week 21 or use the usual download button there.

Notice 2973(P) of 2020.pdf

Week  25

BELGIUM - Restricted area. Wind turbine.


limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining:

51° 42´·89N., 2° 47´·67E.

51° 38´·89N., 2° 45´·29E.

51° 39´·13N., 2° 44´·78E.

51° 41´·24N., 2° 42´·82E.

51° 42´·51N., 2° 45´·42E.

symbol, wind turbine at 51° 41´·54N., 2° 45´·33E.

Notice 3096 of 2020.pdfNotice 3096 refers

Notice 3096.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1406

Imray Charts:  C30

A new restricted Wind Farm area, the Northwester 2 Wind Farm, north-west of the Belwind Wind Farm.

Week  25

BELGIUM - Restricted area. Wind turbines.

Following the completion of the Northwester 2 Wind Farm, a safety zone, entry prohibited, has been established, joining the following positions:

51° 41´·24N., 2° 42´·82E.

51° 42´·51N., 2° 45´·42E.

51° 42´·89N., 2° 47´·67E.

51° 38´·89N., 2° 45´·29E.

51° 39´·13N., 2° 44´·78E.

Wind turbines, Fl(3)Y.15s5M Horn, have been established in the following positions:

51° 41´·30N., 2° 43´·41E.

51° 41´·97N., 2° 44´·80E.

51° 42´·56N., 2° 46´·91E.

51° 41´·35N., 2° 46´·19E.

51° 39´·50N., 2° 45´·07E.

51° 40´·56N., 2° 44´·04E.

Charts 1630 and 8297 will be updated when full details are available.

These changes will be included in a New Edition of Chart 1234 to be published mid 2020.  Charts 1406 will be updated by Notice to Mariners.

Former Notice 3989(P)/19 is cancelled.


Notice 3093(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 3093(P) refers

Notice 3093(P).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1630, 2449 and 8297

Imray Charts:  C30

This notice is a Preliminary notice additional to Notice 3096 above.  This shows the Northwester 2 Wind Farm in a more detailed scale including the positions of the individual wind turbines.  It is not my fault that one turbines is outside of the Wind Farm limits!

Week  21


Chart 1406

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 32´·4N., 2° 57´·4E.

Notice 2574 of 2020.pdfNotice 2574 refers

Notice 2574.pdf

The Block is copyright of the UKHO


UKHO Charts:  1406

Imray Charts:  C30

A UKHO block for chart 1406.  This shows the western edge of the Norther Wind Farm.

Week  21

BELGIUM - Wind farm. Restricted area. Submarine power cable. Lights. Works.


Following the completion of the Norther Wind Farm, a safety zone, entry prohibited, has been established, joining the  following positions:

51° 30´·69N., 2° 55´·74E.

51° 29´·04N., 2° 58´·32E.

51° 30´·51N., 3° 02´·68E.

51° 30´·57N., 3° 02´·76E.

51° 32´·66N., 3° 05´·56E.

51° 33´·01N., 3° 04´·88E.

51° 33´·05N., 3° 04´·81E.

51° 33´·82N., 3° 03´·53E.

51° 33´·83N., 3° 03´·51E.

51° 34´·83N., 3° 01´·83E.

51° 34´·65N., 3° 01´·29E.

51° 33´·77N., 3° 01´·55E.

51° 33´·62N., 3° 01´·48E.

51° 33´·52N., 3° 01´·27E.

51° 33´·36N., 3° 00´·79E.

51° 33´·17N., 3° 00´·39E.

51° 32´·92N., 3° 00´·02E.

51° 32´·65N., 2° 59´·63E.

51° 32´·39N., 2° 59´·18E.

51° 32´·31N., 2° 59´·05E.

51° 32´·30N., 2° 58´·48E.

51° 31´·87N., 2° 58´·06E.

51° 31´·15N., 2° 56´·48E.

51° 30´·96N., 2° 55´·83E.

A submarine power cable has been laid, joining the following positions:

51° 40´·65N., 2° 46´·32E.

51° 38´·60N., 2° 45´·14E.

51° 38´·12N., 2° 46´·18E.

51° 37´·80N., 2° 46´·61E.

51° 36´·52N., 2° 47´·23E.

51° 36´·10N., 2° 48´·45E.

51° 35´·55N., 2° 49´·55E.

51° 35´·05N., 2° 50´·90E.

51° 34´·96N., 2° 51´·74E.

51° 35´·00N., 2° 51´·98E.

51° 34´·95N., 2° 52´·10E.

Within the Port of Zeebrugge lights have been established in the following positions:

Characteristic      Position

F.G                         51° 21´·61N., 3° 11´·25E.

F.R                          51° 21´·56N., 3° 12´·28E.

Changes to the works area within Albert II-dok have taken place. The following light-buoys have been moved:

Characteristic   Designation       Former Position                      New Position

Fl.G.5s                ZA3                     51° 20´·97N., 3° 11´·25E.         51° 20´·85N., 3° 11´·00E.

Q.G                     ZA5                     51° 20´·87N., 3° 11´·07E.         51° 20´·73N., 3° 10´·76E.

The port hand light-buoy Q.G ZA9, in position, 51° 20´·80N., 3° 10´·91E., has been removed.

These changes will be included in New Editions of Charts 1872, 1874 and 2449 to be published mid 2020.  Charts 110, 1630 and 1406 will be updated by Notice to Mariners.

Former Notice 1745(P)/18 is cancelled.


Notice 2578(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 2578(P) refers

Notice 2578(P) Combined.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  110, 1630, 1872, 1874, 2449 and 8012

Imray Charts:  C30

Three distinct changes:

1.  The Norther Wind Farm is now complete and the limits of the Wind Farm (and its prohibited zone) is now defined.

2. A new Submarine Power Cable has been installed from north of the Belwind Wind Farm to close to the Rentel Wind Farm.

3.  Two new lights just inside of Zeebrugge harbour and changes in buoyage in one of the shipping docks

Week  18


A north cardinal light-buoy, Q DC1, has been established in position 51° 18´·68N., 3° 03´·74E.


Notice 2308(T) of 2020.pdfNotice 2308(T) refers

Notice 2308(T).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1872 and 1874

Imray Charts:  C30

New north cardinal buoy temporarily installed in the middle of the Wenduine channel leading to Blankenberge.

Week  18

BELGIUM - Depths.

Depths up to 1m less than charted have been reported in the vicinity of position 51° 09´·37N., 2° 43´·07E.


Notice 2313(T) of 2020.pdfNotice 2313(T) refers

Notice 2313(T).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1872, 1873 and 1874

Imray Charts:  C30

Some serious depth problems right at the entrance to Nieuwpoort.  Normally a 3m channel is maintained but is reported as less than 1m.  I am sure we can expect some early dredging.

Week  18

BELGIUM - Marine Reserves. Restricted areas. Mine laying practice area.

A marine reserve area has been established, bounded by the following positions:

51° 31´·34N., 3° 08´·23E.

51° 29´·03N., 3° 12´·66E.

51° 26´·95N., 3° 17´·71E.

51° 26´·17N., 3° 18´·35E.

51° 25´·47N., 3° 11´·86E.

51° 30´·12N., 3° 06´·27E.

Marine reserve areas have been updated. The limits have been changed as follows:

Update         Positions

Insert            51° 14´·51N., 2° 55´·46E.

                       51° 20´·70N., 2° 47´·01E.

                       51° 28´·86N., 2° 34´·68E.

Delete           51° 16´·70N., 2° 52´·46E.

                       51° 28´·86N., 2° 34´·68E.

Delete           51° 08´·25N., 2° 30´·32E.

                       51° 16´·75N., 2° 52´·54E.

                     51° 14´·47N., 2° 54´·99E.

A restricted area, anchoring and fishing prohibited, has been established, bounded by the following positions:

51° 17´·63N., 2° 37´·69E.

51° 17´·49N., 2° 38´·14E.

51° 16´·73N., 2° 37´·51E.

51° 16´·87N., 2° 37´·07E.

The limits of a mine-laying practice area, NBH-10 (Wenduine), have been updated to the following positions:

Update          Positions

Insert             51° 21´·00N., 2° 53´·00E.

                       51° 21´·00N., 2° 59´·49E.

                       51° 18´·53N., 2° 53´·00E.

Delete           51° 21´·00N., 2° 57´·10E.

                       51° 21´·00N., 3° 00´·70E.

                       51° 18´·70N., 2° 55´·80E.

                       51° 19´·80N., 2° 54´·50E.

A restricted area, entry prohibited, marine reserve, bounded by the following positions has been deleted:

51° 21´·63N., 3° 13´·25E.

51° 21´·60N., 3° 14´·20E.

51° 21´·35N., 3° 13´·97E.

51° 21´·09N., 3° 13´·60E.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

These changes will be included in New Editions of Charts 1872, 1873 and 1874 to be published mid 2020.  Charts 2449 and 1630 will be updated by Notice to Mariners.


Notice 2317(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 2317(P) refers

Notice 2317(P) combined.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1872, 1873, 1874 and 8012

Imray Charts:  C30

5 different boundary changes:

1.  A new marine reserve on the Vlakte Van De Raan.

2. An update of the boundary of the Marine Reserve extending just east of Oostende harbour northerly – very small change.

3. A restricted area prohibiting anchoring and fishing near Middelkerke; a small area unmarked visually.

4. A revision of the boundaries for the min-laying practice area off Wenduine.

5. A prohibited area just east of Zeebrugge.

Five separate images.

Week  16


A North cardinal light-buoy, RDN Q, has been established in position 51° 06´·68N., 2° 35´·02E.


Notice 1935(T) of 2020.pdfNotice 1935(T) refers

Notice 1935(T).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1872 and 1873

Imray Charts:  C30

New North Cardinal buoy just off the De Panne beaches of Belgium.

Week  15

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published 9th April 2020

Chart 1872 North Sea, Dunkerque to Vlissingen.  1:100,000

Blankenberge.  1:15,000

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notices 1964(T)/18, 1749(P)/20 and 3524(T)/19 are cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notices 1745(P)/18, 242(T)/19, 428(P)/19, 1157(T)/19, 2320(T)/19, 2927(P)/19 and 6214(T)/19.

Chart 1873 International Chart Series, North Sea, Dunkerque to Oostende.  1:60,000

A Oostende.  1:15,000

B Nieuwpoort.  1:20,000

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notices 1964(T)/18 and 1749(P)/20 are cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notice 2320(T)/19.

Chart 1874  International Chart Series, North Sea, Westerschelde, Oostende to Westkapelle.  1:60,000

A Zeebrugge.   1:20,000

B Brugge.  1:15,000

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notices 3524(T)/19 and 1749(P)/20 are cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notices, 1745(P)/18, 242(T)/19, 428(P)/19, 1157(T)/19, 2927(P)/19 and 6214(T)/19.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths  (A modified reproduction of Chart D11 published by Belgium).

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths

and buoyage. (A modified reproduction of INT1480 published by Belgium).

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths.

(A modified reproduction of INT1474 published by Belgium).

Week  14

BELGIUM - Depths.

Depths less than charted exist in the vicinity of Oostdyck, Middelkerkebank and Sierra Ventana, the most significant are as


Depth       Position

15·7m       51° 18´·46N., 2° 22´·31E.

13·3m       51° 18´·93N., 2° 24´·40E.

6·2m         51° 18´·34N., 2° 23´·95E.

5·4m         51° 17´·94N., 2° 23´·71E.

14·1m       51° 17´·59N., 2° 23´·89E.

5·1m         51° 20´·79N., 2° 30´·87E.

5·6m         51° 20´·36N., 2° 30´·28E.

4·2m         51° 18´·96N., 2° 29´·10E.

5·9m         51° 15´·45N., 2° 42´·55E.

6m            51° 16´·64N., 2° 44´·98E.

7·1m         51° 16´·96N., 2° 45´·28E.

7·2m         51° 16´·79N., 2° 43´·08E.

4·8m         51° 17´·17N., 2° 42´·73E.

5·5m         51° 17´·57N., 2° 43´·18E.

5·4m         51° 18´·02N., 2° 43´·75E.

5·6m         51° 18´·65N., 2° 44´·45E.

9·7m         51° 20´·43N., 2° 46´·62E.

12·1m       51° 20´·73N., 2° 47´·31E.

* 11·5m    51° 25´·57N., 3° 00´·27E.

* 7·1m      51° 26´·96N., 3° 02´·34E.

* 5·4m      51° 25´·82N., 3° 03´·97E.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

These changes will be included in a New Edition of Charts 1872, 1873 and 1874 to be published mid 2020.  Former Notice 1109(P)/20 is cancelled.

* Indicates new or revised entry.

Notice 1749(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 1749(P) refers

Notice 1749(P).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1872, 1873 and 1874

Imray Charts:  C30

Preliminary Notice 1109(P) in week 9 this year provided information about 18 reduced depths in and around the Oostdyck, Middelkerkebank and Sierra Ventana banks.  This notice adds three reduced depths north of Zeebrugge but these are unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  9

BELGIUM - Depths.

Depths less than charted exist in the vicinity of Oostdyck and Middelkerkebank, the most significant are as follows:

Depth      Position

15·7m      51° 18´·46N., 2° 22´·31E.

13·3m      51° 18´·93N., 2° 24´·40E.

6·2m        51° 18´·34N., 2° 23´·95E.

5·4m        51° 17´·94N., 2° 23´·71E.

14·1m      51° 17´·59N., 2° 23´·89E.

5·1m        51° 20´·79N., 2° 30´·87E.

5·6m        51° 20´·36N., 2° 30´·28E.

4·2m        51° 18´·96N., 2° 29´·10E.

5·9m        51° 15´·45N., 2° 42´·55E.

6m           51° 16´·64N., 2° 44´·98E.

7·1m        51° 16´·96N., 2° 45´·28E.

7·2m        51° 16´·79N., 2° 43´·08E.

4·8m        51° 17´·17N., 2° 42´·73E.

5·5m        51° 17´·57N., 2° 43´·18E.

5·4m        51° 18´·02N., 2° 43´·75E.

5·6m        51° 18´·65N., 2° 44´·45E.

9·7m        51° 20´·43N., 2° 46´·62E.

12·1m      51° 20´·73N., 2° 47´·31E.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.  These changes will be included in a New Edition of Charts 1872, 1873 and 1874 to be published mid 2020.

Notice 1109(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 1109(P) refers

Notice 1109(P) combined.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1872, 1873 and 1874

Imray Charts:  C30

A preliminary notice notifying of 18 reduced depths over the Oostdyck and Middelkerkebank.

Week  9

BELGIUM - Depths.


depth, 14.1 at 51° 17´·59N., 2° 23´·89E.

depth, 15.7 at 51° 18´·46N., 2° 22´·31E.

depth, 15.5 at 51° 18´·85N., 2° 23´·60E.  Delete depth, 17.7, close NW.

depth, 13.3 at 51° 18´·93N., 2° 24´·40E.  Delete depth, 14.1, close N.

depth, 17.5 at 51° 19´·41N., 2° 25´·03E.  Delete depth, 18.5, close SE.

depth, 6.2 at 51° 18´·34N., 2° 23´·95E.  Delete depth, 7.4, close NE.

depth, 10.3 at 51° 18´·28N., 2° 24´·31E.  Delete depth, 11.4, close S.

depth, 4.2, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 18´·96N., 2° 29´·10E.

depth, 5.1 at 51° 20´·79N., 2° 30´·87E.  Delete depth, 5.4, close NE.

depth, 12.1 at 51° 20´·73N., 2° 47´·31E.

depth, 9.7, and extend 10m contour NE to enclose 51° 20´·43N., 2° 46´·62E.

depth, 5.4 at 51° 18´·02N., 2° 43´·75E.  Delete depth, 6.4, close NE.

depth, 6 at 51° 16´·64N., 2° 44´·98E.  Delete depth, 6.9, close NW.


depth, 5.8, with depth, 5.4 at 51° 17´·94N., 2° 23´·71E.

depth, 6.1, with depth, 5.5 at 51° 17´·57N., 2° 43´·18E.

depth, 6.8, with depth, 5.9 at 51° 15´·45N., 2° 42´·55E.

depth, 14.1, with depth, 13.3 at 51° 18´·93N., 2° 24´·40E.

Notice 1135 of  2020.pdfNotice 1135 refers

Notice 1135 combined.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  323 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

This ‘permanent’ notice adds four reduced depths to the above preliminary notice.  The images include both sets of reduced depths.

Week  3

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Leisure Folios to be published on 23rd January, 2020

SC 5605 14th Edition - Chichester to Ramsgate and Calais to Oostende


A Western Approaches to Dover Strait. 1:500,000

B Northern Approaches to Dover Strait. 1:250,000

5605.2 Dover to Calais. 1:50,000

5605.3 Chichester to Worthing. 1:75,000


A Worthing to Newhaven. 1:75,000

B Shoreham Harbour – Western Arm and River Adur. 1:5,000


A Newhaven to Hastings. 1:75,000

B Sovereign Harbour. 1:15,000


A Hastings to Dungeness. 1:75,000

B Rye. 1:25,000

5605.7 Dungeness to South Foreland. 1:75,000

5605.8 Dover to Deal. 1:37,500

5605.9 Deal to Ramsgate. 1:37,500

5605.10 Calais to Dunkerque. 1:75,000

5605.11 Dunkerque to Blankenberge. 1:100,000


A Calais. 1:15,000

B Gravelines. 1:20,000

C Dunkerque. 1:20,000

D Nieuwpoort. 1:20,000

E Oostende. 1:15,000


A Newhaven Harbour. 1:5,000

B Littlehampton Harbour. 1:6,250

C Brighton Marina. 1:5,000

D Folkestone Harbour. 1:5,000


A Dover. 1:6,250

B Shoreham Harbour – Eastern Arm. 1:5,000

C Shoreham Harbour – The Canal. 1:5,000


A Approaches to Ramsgate. 1:12,500

B Ramsgate. 1:5,000

Week  3

BELGIUM - Depths.


depth, 7.7 and extend 10m contour SE to enclose 51° 20´·82N., 2° 42´·21E.  Delete depth, 8.8, close N and depth, 8.9, close NW.

depth, 5.2 at 51° 18´·58N., 2° 40´·46E.  Delete depth, 7, close SW.

depth, 8.4 at 51° 17´·60N., 2° 40´·19E.  Delete depth, 9.2, close N.

depth, 4.7, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 16´·97N., 2° 38´·75E.  Delete depth, 5.3, close N.

depth, 6.9 at 51° 13´·84N., 2° 35´·14E.  Delete depth, 7.6, close S.

depth, 8.3 at 51° 18´·32N., 2° 40´·88E.  Delete depth, 9, close NW.

depth, 8.2 and extend 10m contour SW to enclose above 51° 18´·15N., 2° 40´·04E.  

Delete depth,12.6 at 51° 17´·88N., 2° 39´·77E.

Notice 269 of 2020.pdfNotice 269 refers

Notice 269.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1406, 1872, 1873, 1874 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

Seven reductions on and around the Flemish Banks of the Kwintebank.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.