
The Thames Estuary we enjoy is constantly changing:

As a result it will benefit all of us to keep as up to date as possible.

If you wish to provide any update or additional information, or indeed

comment on any aspect of the book, please email us via the Contact page.

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Updates to the Third Edition

Consolidated Update - latest -

Dated 21st September, 2024

Following a survey at the Knoll (at the entrance of the River Blackwater) a new chartlet is available and an updated image for Page 44.  Also a recent UKHO Notice to Mariners has confirmed avoiding ‘cutting the corner’ at the Sunk Head.  Image available.

Dated 30th June, 2024

A new Notice to Mariners issued on 28th June has added a new wreck on the north side of the Spitway.  New revised chartlet issued.  The wreck should not hinder us.

Dated 27th June, 2024

New chartlet for the Spitway following a survey on 25th June.

Dated 28th May, 2024

New chartlet of the SW Sunk swatchway following a recent survey.  Also the changes at the Long Sand Head are confirmed.

Dated 23rd April, 2024

Two buoy changes due in Mid May at the Long Sand Head.  Chartlet available in the Download page.

Dated 26th November, 2023

The first typo!, An end of season general report on the Estuary, a new chartlet for the SW Sunk following information that the ‘obstruction’ is a wreck with 2.6m water over it, and an image of the revised Ray Sand buoy.

Dated 14th July, 2023

New chartlet for the SW Sunk swatchway following the survey in June, 2023.  Note the potentially dangerous new obstruction.  New chartlet for the Little Sunk following the survey on 10th July, 2023 and a revised chartlet for the Ray Sand updating the buoyage following the notification of the changes on 13th July.

Dated 14th September, 2022

New chartlet of the Ray Sand and one emendation on Page 212 regarding the longitude of the Ray Sand buoy.  Move of the SW Barrow west cardinal buoy to the south west (no changes affecting routes) and revised depths on the Whitaker Spit and at the east edge of the Barrow Sands.

Dated 3rd June, 2022

New chartlet of the Spitway and a notice potentially affecting about Foulger’s Gat

Dated 20th May, 2022

This provides information about the SW Sunk swatchway with revised waypoints, recommendations regarding the Middle Sunk, one error in the text of the book and a caution about electronic charts..

Consolidate Update 210924.pdf

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