Notices - Mid Estuary - Scroll down as necessary

Week  30

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.2 , with depth, 14.9 at 51° 50´·27N., 1° 34´·50E.


depth, 16 at 51° 45´·42N., 1° 30´·98E.  Delete depth, 15.6, close S.

depth, 15.4 at 51° 50´·30N., 1° 34´·38E.  Delete depth, 16.1 , close NW.

Notice 3491 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 3491 of 2024.pdf

Notice 3491 24.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183, 1975, 2052 and 2692.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1.

Continual monitoring of the DW channel from the Sunk into the Black Deep.  Three new soundings on the DW line.  None likely to hinder leisure craft but don’t linger!

Week  30

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 5, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 49´·02N., 1° 25´·44E.  Delete depth, 6.8, close SE.

depth, 1.6, and extend 2m contour NE to enclose 51° 48´·11N., 1° 24´·13E.  Delete depth, 3.5, close E.

depth, 9.1, and extend 10m contour SE to enclose 51° 47´·43N., 1° 20´·02E.

depth, 7 at 51° 49´·30N., 1° 25´·98E.  Delete depth, 8.9, close SE.

depth, 13.4, and extend 15m contour SE to enclose 51° 42´·67N., 1° 33´·73E.

Notice 3530 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3530 of 2024.pdf

Notice 3530 24 combined.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183, 1975 and 2052.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1.

A total of 5 reductions of depth on and around the Gunfleet Sands and on the east side of the Long Sand.  3 are on the north tail of the Gunfleet Sands, one in the Wallet (twixt Nos 2 and 4) and one reduction of depth on the east side of the Long Sand.  Two images: the Gunfleet and Wallet image includes an obstruction and a wreck vide NtMs 2019 and 2559.  The Long Sand image has a ‘host’ of reductions of depth added vide NtMs 1880 and 2796.  Later this year or early next year we can expect a new edition of Chart 1975.

Week  29

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Wreck. Drying heights.


drying height, 0.1, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 36´·71N., 1° 09´·29E.  Delete depth, 05, close E.

drying height, 0.3, and extend 0m low water line N to enclose 51° 36´·21N., 1° 09´·45E.  Delete drying height, 0.3, close S.


depth, 15.4, with at 51° 35´·84N., 1° 10´·79E.

Notice 3363 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3363 of 2024.pdf

Notice 3363 24.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183, 1607, 1609 and 1975.

UKHO SCC: 5606.6, 5606.2, 5607.3 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1, 2100.1.

Two new drying heights either side of the Barrow swatchway on the Barrow Sands and a new wreck identified on the north side of the Barrow Deep.  At 13.8m over the wreck unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  29

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 14.8 at 51° 48´·92N., 1° 33´·29E.  Delete depth, variously 15.2, 15.4 or 15.7, according to chart close NW.

Notice 3414 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 3414 of 2024.pdf

Notice 3414 24.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183, 1610, 1975 and 2052.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

One reductions of depth on the Sunk DW line to and from the Black Deep.  This is a regularly check and has, for us, ample water and not where we ought to be.

Week  28

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck. Depths.



at 51° 42´·84N., 1° 08´·71E.   Delete depth, 4, close SE and depth 4 close SW.

Replace depth, 8.6, with depth, 1.4, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 42´·57N., 1° 11´·03E.

depth, 5.9, with depth, 1.6, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 42´·53N., 1° 10´·53E.

Notice 3316 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3316 of 2024.pdf

Notice 3316 24.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183 and 1975.

UKHO SCC: 5607.3, and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1 and 2100.1

Two new reductions of depth and one new wreck at the Spitware.  These changes are identified by last winter’s Civil Hydrography Programme are additions to my chartlet last week.  The wreck has 3.7m water so should not hinder leisure craft.  The two new reductions of depth are outside my survey area being close to the west side of the Gunfleet Sands wind Farm.

Week  27

ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoyage. Fog signal. Automatic Identification System.


VQ Long Sand Head at 51° 48´·37N., 1° 38´·16E.

And fog signal, Bell, at the light-buoy.


former VQ Bell Long Sand Head with Q(3)10s East Long Sand Head at 51° 48´·12N., 1° 39´·39E.

and Automatic Identification System, AIS, at the light-buoy

Notice 3078 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 3078 of 2024.pdf

TH8 24.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183, 1610, 1975 and 2692.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2100.1

This notice confirms the previous notice from Trinity House back in Week 22 that the Long Sand Head NCB was moved and an additional ECB (East Long Sand Head) was installed in the previous position of the NCB.

Week  25

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 0.5, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 43´·65N., 1° 33´·91E.  Delete depth, 6.6, close SE.

depth, 0.7, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 43´·09N., 1° 33´·52E.  Delete depth, 4.1, close W.

depth, 0.6, and extend 2m contour SE to enclose 51° 41´·49N., 1° 38´·17E.  Delete depth, 0.7, close NW.

depth, 0.5 , and extend 2m contour N to enclose 51° 38´·07N., 1° 37´·44E.  Delete depth, 2.3, close SE.

 Notice 2796 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2796 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2796 24.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183 and 1975

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2100.1

This notice has 4 reduced soundings, 2 on the east side of the Long Sand and 2 on the east side of the Kentish Knock.  There have been two previous Notices this year in the same two areas: NtM 1880 and 2107.  That provides a total of 5 reduced depths on the east side of the Long Sand and 7 on the east side of the Kentish Knock.  The images shows all the new depths.

Week  24

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 4, and extend 5m contour NE to enclose 51° 33´·36N., 1° 23´·60E.  Delete depth, 5.3, close SE.

Notice 2654 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 2654 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2654 24.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183, 1606 and 1607.

UKHO SCC: 5606.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

One reduction of depth at the western side of the southern entrance of Fisherman’s Gat.  At 4m, unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  24

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck. Depths.


depth, 3.1, and extend 5m approximate contour E to enclose 51° 38´·08N., 1° 19´·56E.

Wk at 51° 38´·42N., 1° 17´·29E.  Delete depth, 2.7, close NE.

depth, 6.7, and extend 10m approximate contour E to enclose 51° 38´·05N., 1° 19´·68E.

Notice 2753 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 2753 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2753 24.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183 and 1975.

UKHO SCC: 5606.6, 5606.2 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1 and 2100.1

This notice records two reductions of depth and a wreck at the SW Sunk swatchway.  The data is provide by the Port of London Authority dint of their August, 2023 survey.  The wreck was identified by us earlier that year and the PLA kindly surveyed the area to identify the safe water over the wreck.  We did report the PLA data last year but this is now confirmed.  There are two reductions of depth both on the north side of the Black Deep which shows the sands had encroached a little.  This will not hinder us.  The image I am using is based on the contours shown on 2022 so are a little dated.  Please refer to our 2024 download at:

Week  22


The following alterations to buoyage have taken place:

Longsand Head Lighted Buoy

Moved to new position: Latitude 51° 48.366’N., Longitude 001° 38.160’E.

East Longsand Head Lighted Buoy

New station deployed in position: Latitude 51° 48.123’N., Longitude 001° 39.394’E.

Characteristics as below:

 Pillar: Black above Yellow above Black

 Q (3) 10s

 East Cardinal Topmark

 AIS Transmission: MMSI 992351455 “EAST LONGSAND HEAD BUOY”

Movement effected consequent upon a recent survey.

No further notice will be given.

Trinity House Notice to Mariners 5/2024, dated 17th April 2024, previously refers.

Trinity House Notice to Mariners No 8 of 2024 refers

TH No 8 of 2024.pdf

TH No 8 24.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183, 1607,  1975.and 2692

UKHO SCC: 5607.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

In Week 18, Trinity House provided us notice of intended move of the Longsand Head lighted buoy and the new station of the East Longsand lighted east cardinal buoy.  Today they have announced that the changes have now be actioned.  The image on Week 18 remains correct.

Week  20

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 8.2 at 51° 29´·44N., 1° 09´·14E.  Delete depth, 7.7, close NW.

Notice 2117 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2117 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2117.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1606, 1607 and 1609.

UKHO SCC: 5606.5

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2100.1

One reduction of depth just inside the channel of the Princes Channel between Princes No 5 and No7.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  19

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wrecks. Depths.


at 51° 45´·60N., 1° 18´·32E.

at 51° 45´·44N., 1° 17´·41E.

depth, 0.5 at 51° 42´·62N., 1° 30´·92E.  Delete depth, 1.7, close SE.

depth, 06, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 42´·52N., 1° 30´·62E.  Delete depth, 4, close S.

depth, 2.8 at 51° 39´·71N., 1° 37´·81E.  Delete depth, 7, close SW and depth, 3.5, close SW.

depth, 4.3, and extend 5m contour SE to enclose 51° 38´·82N., 1° 37´·65E.  Delete depth, 8.3, close NW.

depth, 4.4, and extend 5m contour NE to enclose 51° 38´·32N., 1° 37´·70E.  Delete depth, 7.1, close NE.

depth, 4.3, and extend 5m contour SE to enclose 51° 40´·63N., 1° 38´·11E.  Delete depth, 6.6, close S.

depth, 2.9, and extend 5m contour SE to enclose 51° 39´·49N., 1° 37´·73E.  Delete depth, 7, close SW.

Notice 2107 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notices 2107 of 2024.pdf

Notice 2107 combined.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183 and 1975.

UKHO SCC: 5607.4 and 5607.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

Two new wrecks on the Gunfleet Sands between the east side of the wind farm and the Old Gunfleet Lighthouse.  Probably unwise to try to cross the sands at that point.  The Notice also has seven reductions of depth, two very shallow depths on the Long Sand, east side of the London Array wind farm and five reductions of depth along the east side of the Kentish Knock.  Probably unwise to cross the Long Sand just east of the wind farm.  Three images: of the second image at the Long Sand three other reductions of depth reported by the earlier Notice 1880 has been included.

Week  18


Longsand Head Lighted Buoys

On or around the 17th May 2024, the following alterations to buoyage will take place:

Longsand Head Lighted Buoy

To be moved to new position: Latitude 51° 48.366’N., Longitude 001° 38.160’E.

East Longsand Head Lighted Buoy

New station to be deployed in position: Latitude 51° 48.123’N., Longitude 001° 39.394’E.

Characteristics as below:

    Pillar: Black above Yellow above Black

    Q (3) 10s

    East Cardinal Topmark

    AIS Transmission: MMSI 992351455 “EAST LONGSAND HEAD BUOY”

Movement effected consequent upon a recent survey.

Further notice will be given upon buoy deployment.

Trinity House Notice to Mariners, 17/04/2024 No 05 of 2024 refers

TH5 of 2024.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183, 1607,  1975.and 2692

UKHO SCC: 5607.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

This Trinity House Notice gives advance  information of changes at the Long Sand Head.  On or around 17th May there is a move and a new buoy.  Close to the current position of the Longsand Head north cardinal buoy, a new east cardinal buoy will be positioned designated 'East Longsand Head'  Light characteristics are shown.  Also AIS will be fitted.

The Longsand Head north cardinal buoy is moved to the West providing clearance round the Long Sand Head.  The image is drawn by me based on Imray showing all recent depths and the intended positions.

Week  17

ENGLAND - Thames Estuary - Depths.


depth, 1 , and extend 2m approximate contour E to enclose 51° 42´·46N., 1° 33´·17E.

depth, 0.9 , and extend 2m approximate contour SE to enclose 51° 42´·16N., 1° 32´·86E.

depth, 1.1, and extend 2m approximate contour S to enclose 51° 41´·93N., 1° 32´·42E.  Delete depth, 3.5, close SW.

depth, 0.1 , enclosed by 2m contour 51° 36´·42N., 1° 35´·15E.  Delete depth, 5.2, close SE.

depth, 0.9 , enclosed by 2m contour 51° 36´·17N., 1° 34´·69E.  Delete depth, 8.1, close SW.

depth, 0.7 , enclosed by 2m contour 51° 36´·49N., 1° 35´·44E.

Notice 1880 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 1880 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1880.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183, 1607 and 1975.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

Six reductions of depth, three on the Long Sand and three on the Kentish Knock.  The soundings on the Long Sand are outside the Wind Farm to the NE.  The three on the Kentish Knock are just outside the south side of the Wind Farm and quite dramatic: i.e. fro8.1m to 0.9.  But probably not where we usually go.

Week  16

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 2.2 at 51° 47´·88N., 1° 37´·22E.  Delete depth, 4.5, close NE.

depth, 6.9 at 51° 48´·09N., 1° 37´·87E.

depth, 11 at 51° 48´·26N., 1° 38´·16E.

Notice 1784 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1784 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1784.pdf



UKHO SNC: 2692.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

Three new reduced depths for SNC 2692 at the Long Sand Head.  A new edition of SNC 2692 was only issued on 28th March!  The reduced depths indicate that the Long Sand Head continues the common trend to extend to the NE.  I understand it is likely the Long Sand Head North Cardinal which is critical marking the tight corner in the two-way TSS will be moved in due course.  The image includes 3 other reduced depths in that area that were reported earlier in NtM 1378 in Week 13.

Week  15

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 16.3 at 51° 51´·20N., 1° 36´·22E.  Delete depth, 17.1, close E.

depth, 16.6 at 51° 51´·12N., 1° 36´·57E.  Delete depth, 17.1, close NW.

Notice 1597 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 1597 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1597.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183 and 1975.  Note: This update is included in New Edition 2692, published 28 March 2024.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

Two reductions of depth; this monitoring the DW channel on the Sunk Inner area.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.  The image includes a reduced depth vide NtM 1470 previously.

Week  15

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 2.7, and extend 5m contour S to enclose 51° 32´·43N., 1° 01´·64E.  Delete depth, 4, close NW.

depth, 6.2 at 51° 32´·53N., 1° 01´·95E.  Delete depth, 6.7, close SW

depth, 2.7 at 51° 32´·44N., 1° 01´·60E.  Delete depth, 4, close SE.

depth, 5.5 at 51° 32´·34N., 1° 01´·23E.  Delete depth, 7.2, close SW.

depth, 6.1 at 51° 32´·21N., 1° 00´·75E.  Delete depth, 7, close E.


depth, 6.5, with depth, 6 at 51° 32´·65N., 1° 02´·22E.

depth, 9.1, with depth, 8.6 at 51° 32´·38N., 1° 01´·58E.

depth, 1.7, with depth, 1.2, and extend 2m approximate contour S to enclose 51° 32´·43N., 1° 01´·51E.

depth, 4.4, with depth, 2.7, and extend 5m contour S to enclose 51° 32´·40N., 1° 01´·47E.

Notice 1608 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 1608 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1608.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1607 and 1609.

UKHO SCC: 5606.6

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2100.1

Nine reductions of depth at the Mouse channel side of the SW Barrow knoll.  If you are a ‘corner cutter’ round the knoll (e.g. to or from the Princes Channel into the West Swin) it is worth seeing the image.  Note the edge of that sand is pretty ‘steep-too’ and the tail has shallowed.  Also if you saw NtM 638 earlier this year you will see that the depth almost exactly there has reduced from 4m to 2.7m in a matter of months.

Week  14

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.8 at 51° 51´·50N., 1° 36´·12E.  Delete depth, 16.2, close SE.

Notice 1470 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1470 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1470.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1975.  Note: This update is included in New Edition 2692, published 28 March 2024.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

One reduction of depth NE of the Sunk Inner Mark in line with the DW channel leading to the exit to Felixstowe.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  13

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 9.9, enclosed by 10m contour at 51° 48´·42N., 1° 39´·17E.  Delete depth, 10.7, close NW and depth, 10.3, close NW.

depth, 10.2 at 51° 48´·63N., 1° 39´·41E.  Delete depth, 11.1, close NW and depth, 10.7, close W.

depth, 14, enclosed by 15m contour at 51° 49´·84N., 1° 36´·46E.  Delete depth, 15.9, close W.


depth, 10.1, with depth, 9.4, enclosed by 10m contour 51° 50´·02N., 1° 35´·82E.

Notice 1378 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1378 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1378.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183, 1610 and 1975.  Note: This update is included in New Edition 2692, published 28 March 2024.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2000.1

A reduction of depth, three of which are in the ‘turn’ of the Long Sand Head two-way TSS.  Whilst for us there is ample water, for shipping the reductions are dramatic down to 9.9m.  We can expect a move of the Long Sand Head cardinal buoy before long.  Do not cut across Long Sand Head.(There was a reduction of depth by NTM 29/2024 in the same area so that is included in the image).

Week  13

ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy.


Sunk Centre light-buoy to, Mo(A)15s at 51° 50´·11N., 1° 46´·03E.

Notice 1433 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1433 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1433.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183.

UKHO SCC: 5606.2 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

This notice applies only to the small scale chart of the whole Thames Estuary (SNC 1183).  The change is the light characteristics of the Sunk Centre safe water buoy.  I believe most charts are all ready correct.

Week  12

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 8 at 51° 36´·23N., 1° 20´·53E.  Delete depth, 8.3, close SW.

depth, 8.2 at 51° 36´·12N., 1° 20´·28E.  Delete depth, 8.6, close NE.

depth, 4.9, and extend 5m approximate contour NE to enclose 51° 35´·50N., 1° 20´·82E.

depth, 6.2 at 51° 35´·24N., 1° 21´·21E.  Delete depth, 7.1, close SW.

depth, 6.3 at 51° 35´·09N., 1° 21´·44E.  Delete depth, 6.9, close SW.

depth, 5.5 at 51° 35´·57N., 1° 20´·74E.  Delete depth, 6.7, close NW.


depth, 9.5, with depth, 9 at 51° 35´·67N., 1° 20´·74E.

Notice 1222 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.   

Notice 1222 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1222.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1606, 1607 and 1975.

UKHO SCC: 5606.2 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2100.1 and 2000.1

7 reduction of depth in Fisherman’s Gat.  Still ample water for leisure craft and still just outside the west side of the buoyage.  But note there is a just the suggestion that the drying patch of the Long Sand on the mid-way west side of the Gat is shallowing: still plenty of water.

Week  12

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 9 at 51° 53´·03N., 1° 31´·00E.  Delete depth, 9.9, close NW.

Notice 1304 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1304 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1304.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183.  Note: This update is included in New Edition 2692, published 28 March 2024.

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1

One reduction of depth on the east edges of the Roughs Shoals.  At 9m, unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  11

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts on 28th March, 2024

Standard National Charts

Chart 2692 England - East Coast, Sunk Inner Precautionary Area.  1:25,000

Small Craft Charts

SCC 5605.8 Dover to Deal. 1:37,500

SCC 5605.9 Deal to Ramsgate.  1:37,500

SCC 5607.4 Southern Approaches to Harwich.  1:50,000

SCC 5607.5 Harwich to Orford Ness.  1:50,000

SCC 5607.6 A Approaches to Harwich and Woodbridge Haven.  1:25,000

B Continuation of River Deben.  1:25,000

SCC 5607.7 Rivers Stour and Orwell.

A River Stour. 1:25,000

B River Orwell. 1:25,000

C Ipswich. 1:10,000

SCC 5607.8 A Rivers Ore and Alde.  1:25,000

B Orford Haven and Approaches.  1:25,000

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government and Port of London Authority surveys.

Includes full updates for New Edition and Notices to Mariners affecting source charts.

Week  10

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 2.4 at 51° 42´·05N., 1° 25´·32E.  Delete depth, 3.9, close N.

depth, 0.7 at 51° 41´·83N., 1° 25´·65E.  Delete depth, 0.9, close SW.

depth 4.6, and extend 5m contour NW to enclose 51° 41´·75N., 1° 23´·95E.  Delete depth, 6.7, close W.

depth, 2.9 at 51° 41´·18N., 1° 24´·13E.  Delete depth, 3.1, close SE.

Notice 1026 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1026 of 2024.pdf

Notice 1026.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183 and 1975.

UKHO SCC: 5606.2 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios 2100.1 and 2000.1

Four reductions of depth on the Little Sunk, two of which are on the usual crossing point and two indicating a slight growth of the Little Sunk knoll.  This change is caused by our 2023 survey and the crossing point is NOT significantly affected.  At the moment the growth of the Little Sunk appears to be quite slow, indeed the worse depth of 0.7m looked like the ‘crest’ of a sand wave.

Week  08

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.7 at 51° 48´·91N., 1° 33´·34E.  Delete depth, 16, close NE.

Notice 769 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 769 of 2024.pdf

Notice 769.pdf



UKHO SNC: 2692

UKHO SCC: 5607.1

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios:  2100.1

One slight reduction of depth right on the line of the Sunk/Black Deep deep water channel.  Obviously the PLA monitors the depth of that channel rigorously.  At 15.7m unlikely to hinder leisure craft but don’t linger!

Week  07

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth.


depth, 4, and extend 5m contour SE to enclose 51° 32´·43N., 1° 01´·61E.

Notice 638 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 638 of 2024.pdf

Notice 638.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.6

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios:  2100.1

One reduction of depth in the Mouse Channel east of the SW Barrow cardinal buoy.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.  The Image also includes the detail of NtM 335 regarding the new ‘obstn’ west of the ‘Alice’ Danger mark.

Week  05

ENGLAND - East Coast - Obstruction. Buoy.


at 51° 31´·92N., 1° 02´·86E.

(3 buoys), close E of 51° 31´·92N., 1° 02´·86E.

Notice 447 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 447 of 2024.pdf

Notice 335.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.5

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios:  2100.1

This is a catch-up NtM repeating NTM 335 to notifying the change for the relevant Small Craft Chart about the new ‘obstn’ in the Mouse Channel and the adjacent three unlit Orange buoys; all these close to an existing lit yellow special buoy.

Week  04

ENGLAND - East Coast - Obstruction. Buoy.


at 51° 31´·92N., 1° 02´·86E.

(3 buoys), close E of 51° 31´·92N., 1° 02´·86E.

Notice 335 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 335 of 2024.pdf

Notice 335.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.6 and 5606.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios:  2100.1

A new ‘obstn’ in the Mouse Channel east of the SW Barrow west cardinal buoy and west of the ‘Alice’ danger buoy.  Adjacent to the new ‘obstn’ are three unlit Orange buoys; all these close to an existing lit yellow special buoy.

Week  03

ENGLAND - Thames Estuary - Depths.


depth, 4.3, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 51° 33´·27N., 1° 17´·39E.  Delete depth, 6.3, close NW.

depth, 7.9 at 51° 33´·34N., 1° 18´·34E.  Delete depth, 8.4, close SW.

depth, 6.8 at 51° 33´·24N., 1° 19´·27E.  Delete depth, 7.7, close SW.

depth, 6 at 51° 33´·16N., 1° 19´·61E.  Delete depth, 7.3, close SE.


depth, 8, with depth, 7.3 at 51° 32´·98N., 1° 20´·25E.

Notice 196 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5036 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 196 of 2024.pdf

Notice 196.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183, 1606 and 1607

UKHO SCC: 5606.6 and 5606.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios:  2100.1

5 reductions of depth in the North Edinburgh Channel.  None of the reductions are likely to hinder leisure craft and if that is all affecting the North Edinburgh channel it is logical that the Channel remains as it used to be.  No buoyage of course.

Week  01

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.

Note: This update is included in New Edition 2052, published 28 December 2023.


depth, 15.2 at 51° 48´·78N., 1° 37´·39E.  Delete depth, 16.3, close NW.

Notice 29 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 29 of 2024.pdf

Notice 29.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1975 and 2692

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios:  2000.1 and 2100.1

One reduction of depth in the Long Sand Head two-way route.  As at 15.2m this is the business of the larger container ships, unlikely to hinder leisure craft.


Week  51

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck. Depth.

Insert :

at 51° 41´·88N., 1° 18´·93E.


depth, 11.9, with depth, 11.8 at 51° 41´·24N., 1° 17´·59E.

Notice 4832 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 4832 of 2023.pdf

Notice 4832.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183 and 1975

UKHO SCC: 5606.6 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios:  2000.1

One new wreck and one new depth in the Barrow Deep.  Both will be unlikely to hinder any leisure craft but note that the wreck is in the corner of the Barrow Deep Anchorage!

Week  47

ENGLAND - East Coast - Dredged areas. Legends. Note.


legend to, Dredged to 16·0m, centred on: 51° 55´·91N., 1° 25´·29E.

legend to, 16·0m, centred on: 51° 53´·09N., 1° 33´·61E.

Insert limit of dredged channel, pecked line, joining:

51° 52´·37N., 1° 33´·16E.

51° 52´·24N., 1° 33´·20E.

Delete former limit of dredged channel, pecked line, joining:

51° 52´·37N., 1° 33´·16E.

51° 52´·24N., 1° 33´·14E.

legend, Channel Deepening (see Note), centred on:

51° 56´·36N., 1° 31´·25E.

51° 52´·93N., 1° 33´·60E.

Notice 4352 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 4352 of 2023.pdf

Notice 4352.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183, 1610 and 2692

UKHO SCC: 5607.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1 and Y16

This notice changes the depth of the dredged channel from the Sunk to and into Felixstowe to an increased 16m and extends the marked channel to extend south right up to the S. Threshold yellow special lit buoy.

Week  42

ENGLAND - Thames Estuary - Depth.


depth, 7.9 at 51° 29´·33N., 1° 09´·19E.

Notice 3764 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 3764 of 2023.pdf

Notice 3764.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1606, 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.2

Imray Full Charts: Y16

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

One reduction of depth right in the middle of the Princes Channel north of the Princes Mid yellow special lit buoy.  Not where you need to be and unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  35

ENGLAND - East Coast - Light-float. Automatic Identification System. Buoy. Fog signal.

The Sunk Inner light-float, Fl(5)15s11m12M, Horn(1)30s, Racon(T), AIS, in position 51° 51´·17N., 1° 34´·40E. has been temporarily removed. A Safe Water Buoy, LFl.10s9M, Wave Actuated Bell, Racon(T), AIS has been temporarily established in its place.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Notice 2977(T) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 2977(T) of 2023.pdf

Notice 2977(T).pdf


UKHO SNC: 1183, 1406, 1408, 1610, 1975, 2052, 2182A and 2692.

UKHO SCC: 5607.1, 5607.2 and 5614.25

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2000.1

A temporary notice reporting a short term replacement for the Inner Sunk safe water mark.  The light float is removed for service and has a safe water buoy with different light characteristics substituted.  Last I saw the light float on the Shotley TH mooring.

Week  31


The following buoys have been returned to their assigned positions:

Walker Lighted Buoy

Moved back to assigned position: Latitude 51° 53.791’N., Longitude 001° 33.903’E.

Southwest Shipwash Lighted Buoy

Moved back to assigned position: Latitude 51° 54.750’N., Longitude 001° 34.213’E.

Trinity House Notice to Mariners 12/2023, dated 3rd April 2023, is hereby cancelled.

Trinity House No 20 of 2023 refers



UKHO SNC: 2052

UKHO SCC: 5607.1 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2000.1

The temporary movement of the Walter and Southwest Shipwash lighted buoys to facility the dredging working for the Deep Water Channel from the Sunk to Felixstowe is now cancelled and the buoys back to their normal charted positions.  No image.

Week  30

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published 10 August 2023

Chart 1606 - England - East Coast, Thames Estuary Fisherman's Gat to Princes Channel.  1:25,000

Chart 1607 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Southern Part.  1:50,000

Chart 1609 England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Knock John Channel to Sea Reach.  1:25,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: Includes changes to depths from the latest Port of London Authority surveys.

Week  26

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published 13 July 2023

SNC 1975 England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Northern Part.  1:50,000

Includes changes to depths from the latest Port of London Authority and Trinity House surveys.

Week  26

ENGLAND - East Coast - Drying heights. Wreck.


drying height, 0.4, and extend 0m approximate low water line N to enclose 51° 38´·43N., 1° 24´·35E.

drying height, 0.3, and extend 0m low water line NW to

enclose 51° 42´·32N., 1° 30´·32E.


, close SE of 51° 42´·32N., 1° 30´·32E.

Notice 2189 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart ON5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2189 of 2023.pdf

Notice 1798.pdf



UKHO SCC: 5606.2 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1 and 2000.1.

This notice is including two new drying heights and a deletion of a wreck that were reported in NtM 1798 in Week 22.  These new drying heights are both on the Long Sand and are included to update two UKHO small craft charts.  I am repeating what I said in week 22:  “Three new drying areas around the Black Deep: one on Long Sand at the edge of the Black Deep No 6 port hand buoy, a second, a drying area, on the Long Sand near the Black Deep No 4 close to the old Beacon, the third, again on the Long Sand where a wreck was once marked at 3.2m.

On the Little Sunk a depth is reduced to 0.9m which formerly was marked close by as 1.8m.  That does not affect the Little Sunk ‘crossing’ but suggests it is worth a re-survey which we will do at the second opportunity.”

Week  22

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Drying heights. Drying contour. Legend. Wreck.


drying height, 0.4, and extend 0m approximate low water line N to enclose 51° 38´·43N., 1° 24´·35E.

drying height, 0.3, and extend 0m low water line NW to enclose 51° 42´·32N., 1° 30´·32E.

depth, 0.9, and extend 2m contour S to enclose 51° 41´·77N., 1° 25´·57E.  Delete depth, 1.8, close NE.

circular limit of 0m low water line, radius 60m, centred on: (b) 51° 41´·65N., 1° 29´·46E.

legend, Dries, close W of: (b) above


depth, 15.9, with depth, 15.8 at 51° 44´·93N., 1° 30´·63E.


, at 51° 42´·32N., 1° 30´·32E.

Notice 1798 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1798 of 2023.pdf

Notice 1798.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183, 1975 and 2692

UKHO SCC: 5606.2 and 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1 and 2000.1.

Three new drying areas around the Black Deep: one on Long Sand at the edge of the Black Deep No 6 port hand buoy, a second, a drying area, on the Long Sand near the Black Deep No 4 close to the old Beacon, the third, again on the Long Sand where a wreck was once marked at 3.2m.

On the Little Sunk a depth is reduced to 0.9m which formerly was marked close by as 1.8m.  That does not affect the Little Sunk ‘crossing’ but suggests it is worth a re-survey.

Finally there is a tiny reduction of 0.1m in the centre of the Black Deep deep water channel.

Week  22

ENGLAND - East Coast - Channel limits. Channel depth.

1. Secondary Channels have been established adjacent to the main Knock John Channel.

2. A Northern Inbound channel has been established in an area bounded by the following positions:

51° 33´·79N., 1° 10´·75E.

51° 33´·71N., 1° 10´·85E.

51° 33´·50N., 1° 10´·29E.

51° 33´·42N., 1° 10´·10E.

51° 33´·08N., 1° 09´·24E.

51° 33´·06N., 1° 09´·20E.

51° 33´·01N., 1° 09´·07E.

51° 33´·00N., 1° 09´·05E.

51° 32´·99N., 1° 09´·03E.

51° 32´·87N., 1° 08´·72E.

51° 32´·47N., 1° 07´·74E.

51° 32´·47N., 1° 07´·73E.

51° 32´·14N., 1° 06´·93E.

51° 32´·08N., 1° 06´·77E.

51° 32´·06N., 1° 06´·72E.

51° 32´·14N., 1° 06´·63E.

51° 33´·52N., 1° 10´·05E.

3. A Southern Outbound channel has been established in an area bounded by the following positions:

51° 33´·50N., 1° 11´·11E.

51° 33´·26N., 1° 10´·45E.

51° 31´·85N., 1° 06´·98E.

51° 31´·93N., 1° 06´·88E.

51° 32´·14N., 1° 07´·40E.

51° 32´·39N., 1° 08´·02E.

51° 32´·41N., 1° 08´·07E.

51° 32´·57N., 1° 08´·47E.

51° 32´·59N., 1° 08´·52E.

51° 32´·70N., 1° 08´·80E.

51° 32´·72N., 1° 08´·84E.

51° 32´·83N., 1° 09´·10E.

51° 32´·91N., 1° 09´·31E.

51° 32´·96N., 1° 09´·43E.

51° 32´·96N., 1° 09´·43E.

51° 32´·97N., 1° 09´·44E.

51° 32´·99N., 1° 09´·49E.

51° 33´·33N., 1° 10´·35E.

51° 33´·58N., 1° 11´·01E.

4. The minimum depth within the new secondary channels is 9m and vessels which can safely navigate outside of the main Knock John Channel should do so.

5. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area and consult the local port authorities for the latest information.

6. These changes will be included in New Edition of Charts 1606, 1607 and 1609 to be published mid 2023.

Notice 1830(P) refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 1830(P) of 2023.pdf

Notice 1830(P).pdf


UKHO SNC: 1606, 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1.

The Port of London Authority has established two secondary channels either side of the existing established Knock John Channel.  These secondary channels alongside from the Knock John port hand buoy ‘paired’ with the Knock John No 1 south cardinal buoy to the Knock John No 7.

The secondary channels have a minimum depth of 9m and vessels which can safely navigate outside of the main Knock John Channel should us it rather than the established Channel.  Note that the northern side of the Knock John are for inbound vessels and the southern side for outbound vessels.

Week  21

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth.


depth, 4.4, and extend 5m contour S to enclose 51° 32´·40N., 1° 01´·46E.

Notice 1752 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 1752 of 2023.pdf

Notice 1752.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1.

One reduction of depth on the tail of the SW Barrow sands.  At 4.4m unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  20

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 1.8, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 31´·70N., 1° 13´·71E.  Delete depth, 5.6, close W and depth, 7.8, close SE.

depth, 1, and extend 2m contour S to enclose 51° 31´·86N., 1° 14´·91E.  Delete depth, 2.5, close N.

depth, 6 at 51° 31´·26N., 1° 15´·62E.  Delete depth, 9.6, close E.

depth, 0.6, and extend 2m approximate contour S to enclose 51° 32´·00N., 1° 14´·63E.

depth, 2.3 at 51° 31´·68N., 1° 15´·12E.

depth, 4.8, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 31´·44N., 1° 15´·29E.  Delete depth, 7.5, close SW.

depth, 3.9, and extend 5m contour SW to enclose 51° 31´·57N., 1° 14´·18E.  Delete depth, 5.7, close NE.

depth, 4.3, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 31´·58N., 1° 13´·81E.  Delete depth, 7.8, close NE.

depth, 3.6, and extend 5m approximate contour SW to enclose 51° 31´·76N., 1° 13´·15E.  Delete depth, 7.1, close SE.

depth, 4.6, and extend 5m approximate contour SW to enclose 51° 31´·85N., 1° 12´·84E.

Notice 1670 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 1670 of 2023.pdf

Notice 1670.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1183, 1606 and 1607

UKHO SCC: 5606.5 and 5606.6 Note: This update is included in the New Edition 5606_2, published 25 May 2023.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.2

Ten reductions of depth in the South Edinburgh Channel.  Still feasible but of course not ‘buoyed’.

Week  16

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 13.3 at 51° 29´·40N., 0° 52´·43E.  Delete depth, 13.4, close E.

depth, 14.2, and extend 15m contour S to enclose 51° 31´·81N., 1° 05´·74E.

depth, 15, and extend 15m contour SE to enclose 51° 32´·43N., 1° 07´·70E.  Delete depth, 15.2, close SW.

depth, 14.4 at 51° 32´·37N., 1° 07´·72E.  Delete depth, 14.6, close S.

depth 8.1 at 51° 29´·49N., 1° 07´·63E.  Delete depth, 8.4, close W and depth 8.3 close E.

depth 7.2 at 51° 29´·38N., 1° 06´·75E.  Delete depth, 7.3, close E and depth, 5.8, close SE.

depth, 12.6 at 51° 29´·09N., 0° 54´·89E.  Delete depth, 11.4, close N.

depth, 13 at 51° 31´·51N., 1° 04´·56E.  Delete depth, 15.9, close E.


depth, 15.5, with depth, 15.4 at 51° 32´·08N., 1° 07´·20E.

depth, 14.7, with depth, 14.5 at 51° 32´·48N., 1° 08´·01E.

depth, 7.9, with depth, 7.8 at 51° 29´·36N., 1° 07´·63E.

Notice 1358 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 1358 of 2023.pdf

Notice 1358 combined.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1185, 1606, 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.7, 5606.9 and 5606.5

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1 and 2100.2

11 reductions of depth, 2 around the sea Reach No 1 area and West Oaze, 3 around the Princes Nos 6 and 7 buoys and 6 in the Mouse and Knock John Channels.  All unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  9

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 13.5 at 51° 33´·11N., 1° 09´·78E.  Delete depth, 13, close S and SW.

depth, 14.2 at 51° 33´·17N., 1° 09´·78E.

depth, 13.5 at 51° 33´·23N., 1° 10´·05E.  Delete depth, 13.6, close W and delete depth, 13.6, close W.


depth, 13.9, with depth, 13.7 at 51° 33´·19N., 1° 09´·55E.

Notice 813 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 813 of 2023.pdf

Notice 813.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1606, 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.6

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

An extraordinary tight cluster of 4 reductions of depth around the Knock John Buoys Nos 2 and 3.  Not likely to hinder leisure craft but clearly is tight at LWS for big container ships there!

Week  8

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 10.3 at 51° 48´·45N., 1° 39´·13E.  Delete depth, 10.7, close NW.

depth, 10.7 at 51° 48´·63N., 1° 39´·37E.  Delete depth, 11.1, close NW.

Notice 738 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 738 of 2023.pdf

Notice 738.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1975 and 2052

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1 and 2000.1

Two additional reductions of depth at the Long Sand Head in the ship’s Two-Way Route.  Notice 359 earlier this year had reductions on the Long Sand Head so I have updated the earlier image to include these two new depths (in blue) with the earlier reductions.  Continued movement NE of the Long Sand head.

Week  7

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 7.3 at 51° 29´·40N., 1° 06´·34E.  Delete depth, 6.1, close S.

depth, 7.3 at 51° 29´·37N., 1° 06´·77E.


depth, 7.4, with depth, 7.6 at 51° 29´·60N., 1° 07´·04E.

Notice 589 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart IN5043 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 589.pdf

Notice 589.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1606, 1607 and 1609

UKHO SCC: 5606.2 and 5606.5

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1 and 2100.2

Two very slight reductions of depth in the centre of the Deep Water line of the Princes Channel abaft the Princes No 6 PHB and one reduction at the Princes No 7 SHB.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft and unlikely where we ought to be!

Week  7

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.7 at 51° 51´·93N., 1° 35´·74E.  Delete depth, 16.7, close W.

15.2 at 51° 51´·73N., 1° 35´·47E.  Delete depth, 15.7, close NW.

depth, 14.5, enclosed by 15m contour at 51° 50´·75N., 1° 33´·52E.  Delete depth, 15.7, close SE.

Notice 636 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 636 of 2023.pdf

Notice 636.pdf



UKHO SNC: 2692

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1 and 2000.1

Three reduction of depth in and around the Sunk Inner Precautionary Area.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  5

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.

Note: This update is included in New Edition 1975, published 19 January 2023.


depth, 7.9, and extend 10m contour NE to enclose 51° 48´·16N., 1° 38´·19E.  Delete depth, 8.4, or 9.2 close SW or 9.3 close W, depending on which chart to correct.

sounding out of position, 16. at 51° 48´·34N., 1° 36´·94E.  Delete depth, 17.9, close SE. (the sounding is at the Black Deep port hand buoy, hence ‘out of position)

depth, 15.9 at 51° 48´·29N., 1° 37´·44E.  Delete depth, 17.5, close W.

depth, 12.1 at 51° 48´·24N., 1° 38´·33E.  Delete depth, 12.9, close S.

depth, 10.7 at 51° 48´·14N., 1° 38´·89E.  Delete depth, 11.4, close N.

depth, 14.4, and extend 15m contour E to enclose 51° 48´·13N., 1° 39´·52E.

depth, 11.4 at 51° 48´·09N., 1° 39´·21E.  Delete depth, 13.4, close SE.

depth, 10.8 at 51° 48´·11N., 1° 38´·46E.  Delete depth, 11.8, close SW.

depth, 6.7 at 51° 48´·05N., 1° 37´·97E.  Delete depth, 8.8, close SE.

depth, 4.9, and extend 5m contour NE to enclose 51° 47´·99N., 1° 37´·72E.  Delete depth, 7.1, close NE.

depth, 6.3 at 51° 47´·98N., 1° 37´·49E.  Delete depth, 6.7, close E.

depth, 9.2, and extend 10m contour N to enclose 51° 48´·10N., 1° 37´·79E.  Delete depth, 12.8, close N.

Notice 359 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.  

Notice 359 of 2023.pdf

Notice 359.pdf


UKHO SNC: 1610 and 2692

UKHO SCC: 5607.2

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.2

Twelve reductions of depth in and around the Long Sand Head.  The reductions indicate the Long Sand Head continues to extend to the North-East.  A transit between the Long Sand Head north cardinal and the Black Deep port hand buoy will still be fine but when coming from the north, do not cut off the Long Sand Head direct to the Black Deep port hand buoy.

Week  4

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Standard National Charts on 9th  February, 2023

Chart 1183 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Thames Estuary.  1:100,000

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government and Port of London Authority Surveys.

Week  4

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 8.1 at 51° 36´·23N., 1° 20´·58E.  Delete depth, 8.5, close SE.

depth, 7.7 , and extend 8m approximate contour NE to enclose 51° 36´·06N., 1° 20´·21E.  Delete depth, 8.1, close SW.

Notice 318 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 318.pdf



UKHO SNC: 1606

UKHO SCC: 5606.2.

Imray Full Charts: C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1 and 2100.1

Two revised depths at the entrance of Fisherman’s Gat.  With at least 7.7m water unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  2

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts on 19th January, 2023

Chart 1975 England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Northern Part. 1:50,000

Chart 2052 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Orford Ness to The Naze.  1:50,000


Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government, Port of London Authority, and Trinity House surveys.

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government and Port of London Authority Surveys.


Week  52

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth.


depth, 2, and extend 2m approximate contour NW to enclose 51° 42´·21N., 1° 30´·10E.

Notice 5146 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 5146 of 2022.pdf

Notice 5146.jpg



UKHO Charts: 1183 and 1975

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5607.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

One reduction of depth just outside the NE corner of the London Array on the edge of the south side of the Black Deep.

Week  49

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 16.3 at 51° 50´·04N., 1° 33´·98E.  Delete depth, 16.5, close NE.

Notice 4869 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 4869 of 2022.pdf

Notice 4869.pdf


UKHO Charts: 2692

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.6

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

A new reduction of depth close by the Dynamo Yellow Special Buoy that marks the Sunk DW centre line leading to the Black Deep.  This location is constantly monitored and has already been subject of two previous NtM this year (#1269 and #1956).  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft in terms of depth.

Week  49

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck.


at 51° 43´·70N., 1° 31´·18E.

Notice 4880 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 4880 of 2022.pdf

Notice 4880.pdf



UKHO Charts: 1183 and 1975

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5607.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

One new wreck on the edge of the Long Sand in the Black Deep NE of the London Array Wind Farm.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  48

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wrecks. Obstruction. Depth.

Insert :

at 51° 32´·23N., 1° 01´·59E.

at 51° 32´·33N., 1° 01´·56E.

at 51° 32´·38N., 1° 02´·78E.

at 51° 34´·24N., 1° 09´·21E.


with at 51° 32´·22N., 1° 01´·17E.

Notice 4772 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 4772 of 2022.pdf

Notice 4772 combined.pdf  


UKHO Charts: 1607 and 1609

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.6

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

3 New wrecks and 1 new obstn in the Mouse Channel, and one new wreck just north of the Knock John Tower.  All unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  46

ENGLAND - East Coast - Foul.


at 51° 53´·60N., 2° 01´·96E.

Notice 4514 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 4514 of 2022.pdf

Notice 4514.pdf



UKHO Charts: 1610, 1630 and 2052

Imray Charts:  C1

One new FOUL on the northern edge of the Sunk TSS East, close by the edge of the wind farm.  At over 20m, unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  46

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 4.1, extend 5m contour SE to enclose 51° 32´·75N., 1° 02´·32E.  Delete depth, 3.6, close N.

depth, 12 at 51° 32´·77N., 1° 02´·69E.  Delete depth, 13.4 , close N.

depth, 11.4  at 51° 32´·86N., 1° 02´·92E.  Delete depth, 17.4 , and associated 15m contour, close W.

Notice 4518 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 4518 of 2022.pdf

Notice 4518.pdf



UKHO Charts: 1607 and 1609

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.6

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

Three changes of depth on the north side of the Mouse Channel (which leads onto the Barrow Deep).

Week  46

ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy.


Q(9)15s SW Barrow, from:  51° 32´·12N., 1° 00´·12E.  to: 51° 31´·95N., 0° 59´·90E.

Notice 4614 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 4614 of 2022.pdf




UKHO Charts: 1183, 1607 and 1609

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.6 and 5606.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

This notice is confirming the Trinity House NtM No 34 in week 38 which reported that the SW Barrow cardinal buoy had been moved towards the southwest.

Week  45

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Drying heights.


drying height, 1.4, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 37´·10N., 1° 12´·60E.

depth, 6.8 at 51° 33´·35N., 1° 06´·61E.

depth, 1.3, and extend 2m approximate contour NW to enclose 51° 33´·61N., 1° 07´·77E.  Delete depth, 3, close N.

depth, 4.5, and extend 5m contour NW to enclose 51° 33´·79N., 1° 07´·93E.

drying height, 0.1, and extend 0m approximate low water line NW to enclose 51° 33´·79N., 1° 08´·08E.

drying height, 0.2, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 32´·56N., 1° 01´·60E.  Delete depth, 0.6, close E.

depth 11.3 at 51° 33´·17N., 1° 05´·60E.  Delete depth, 12.9, close SW.

depth, 6.6, enclosed by 10m contour 51° 34´·39N., 1° 07´·29E.

depth, 0.6, enclosed by 2m contour 51° 34´·52N., 1° 07´·49E.

depth, 12.7 at 51° 33´·63N., 1° 07´·23E.   Delete depth, 13.3, close SW.

depth, 1.9, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 34´·44N., 1° 07´·39E.  Delete depth, 18.5, close SE.

Notice 4433 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 4433 of 2022.pdf

Notice 4433 combined.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1183, 1606, 1607, 1609 and 1975

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.2, 5607.2 and 5607.3

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

Eleven reductions of depth, one, a drying height on the south edge of the East Barrow Sands, another drying height on the tail of the SW Barrow Sands, the remainder on the south edge of the Barrow Sands and in and around the Mouse channel.

Week  42

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts to be published on 3rd November, 2022

SCC 5606.7 Havengore Bridge to Southend-on-Sea.  1:25,000

SCC 5606.8 Southend-on-Sea to Canvey Island.


SCC 5606.9 Medway Approach Channel..


SCC 5606.10 Mouth of River Medway and West Swale.  1:25,000

New Editions of Imrays C and Y series charts.  Available now on the Imray website POD.

C1 – Thames Estuary  - Tilbury to North Foreland and Orfordness 1:120,000 WGS84

Y17A – Rivers Colne and Blackwater inc plans River Colne to Colchester, Wivenhoe, Brightlingsea, Tollesbury Marina, Bradwell Marina, River Blackwater continuation to Maldon, Maldon 1:35,000

Y17B – Rivers Crouch and Roach inc. plans Burnham Yacht Harbour, River Crouch continuation to Battlesbridge, River Roach continuations to Rochford  1:35,000

Includes full updates for New Edition and Notices to Mariners affecting source charts.

Imrays charts are available POD and are up to date including all recent updates including at the Spitway, SW Sunk swatchway, the Middle Sunk and the Ray Sand.

Charts Y17A and 17B are a new initiative increasing the scale from 1:50,000 previously used on chart Y17 to 1:35,000 thus splitting the area covered by Y17 into two more detailed charts.

Week  39

ENGLAND - East Coast - NM Blocks. Drying heights. Depths.

Charts 1183, 5606.2 and 5607.2



drying height, 08, and extend 0m approximate low water line NE to enclose 51° 38´·06N., 1° 17´·30E.  Delete depth, 0.6, close SE.

depth, 1.3, and extend 2m approximate contour NE to enclose 51° 37´·88N., 1° 18´·01E.

depth, 2.4 at 51° 37´·80N., 1° 18´·72E.  Delete depth, 2.9, close SW.

drying height, 0.3, and associated former 0m low water line 51° 38´·33N., 1° 18´·16E.

Chart 1975

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 38´·4N., 1° 17´·1E.

Chart 5606.6


the accompanying block (see the second block in the download), centred on: 51° 38´·6N., 1° 16´·3E.

Notice 3813 refers

The UKHO Block is copyright.

Notice 3813 of 2022.pdf

Notice 3813.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1183 and 1975

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.2 and 5606.6, 5607.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1, 2000.1

This notice includes blocks for one SNC chart and one SCC chart, and amendments for another SNC and two SCC.  These changes implement the result of the CTTE survey in May for the SW Sunk swatchway and the move is significant to the northeast.  In due time, electronic charting will catch up.

The block illustrated is for SNC 1975.

Week  38


Moved to Latitude 51° 31.950’N., Longitude 000° 59.900’E.

Movement effected consequent upon a recent survey.

No further notice will be given.

TH34 of 2022.pdf


Trinity House Notice to Mariners No 34 of 2022


UKHO Charts: 1975

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.2 and 5606.6

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1

Trinity House advises that they have moved the SW Barrow west cardinal buoy to the south west.  This reflects the continual tailing of the West Barrow sand.

Week  36

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 2.1 at 51° 40´·54N., 1° 09´·21E.  Delete depth, 2.4, close SW.

depth, 0.4, and extend 2m contour SE to enclose 51° 39´·75N., 1° 08´·16E.  Delete depth, 8, close S.

depth, 0.9, and extend 2m contour NW to enclose 51° 39´·74N., 1° 12´·99E.

depth, 3.4 at 51° 39´·68N., 1° 12´·68E.

depth, 3 at 51° 39´·53N., 1° 12´·97E.  Delete depth, 3.7, close NW.

depth, 3.5 at 51° 39´·50N., 1° 13´·52E.  Delete depth, 4.5, close E.


depth, 6.8, with depth, 2.2, and extend 5m contour SE to enclose 51° 40´·03N., 1° 08´·68E.

Notice 3620 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1  and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 3620 of 2022.pdf

Notice 3620.pdf



UKHO Charts: 1975

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.6 and 5607.3

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2000.1 and 2100.8

Three reductions of depth on the eastern edge of the Whitaker Spit and four around the ‘finger’ extending north-east from the East Barrow Sand.  Cutting across Whitaker Spit to and from the Middle Deep perhaps needs a little more care.  These changes were prompted by a Port of London Authority survey earlier this year commissioned by the Crouch Harbour Authority.   It seems to me the PLA survey on the north-east corner of the East Barrow Sands was deliberately to help leisure users who like to 'cut the corner' round the edge of the sands dropping down to the SW Sunk.

Week  32

ENGLAND - East Coast - Drying heights. Depths.


drying height, 0.7, and extend 0m low water line NE to enclose 51° 39´·73N., 1° 19´·00E.  Delete depth, 4.2, close NE.

drying height, 0.6, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 40´·22N., 1° 19´·29E.

drying height, 0.8, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 40´·32N., 1° 19´·62E.  Delete depth, 1.1, close S.

depth, 0.9, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 40´·55N., 1° 20´·27E.

depth, 3.9, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 40´·60N., 1° 20´·85E.  Delete depth, 8.9, close SW.

drying height, 1.2, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 39´·97N., 1° 21´·62E.

depth, 4.4, and extend 5m contour NW to enclose 51° 38´·76N., 1° 25´·22E.

depth, 2.5 at 51° 37´·67N., 1° 25´·99E.  Delete depth, 2.7, close SE.

Notice 3198 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C1 and Meridian Chartware.  The block is copyright of the UKHO

Notice 3198 of 2022.pdf

Notice 3198 combined.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1975 (see NtM 4891 and 5173 of 2021)

UKHO Leisure Charts: 5606.2 and 5607.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2000.3B

This Notice is to amend two UKHO Small Craft Charts in the middle of the Thames Estuary.  The Standard Nautical Charts have been amended vide Notices 4891/2021 (regarding Foulger’s Gat) and 5173/2021 (regarding the Middle Sunk).  Note that I am currently  recommending that crossing at the Middle Sunk is only used with great caution as there has only been partially surveyed by the Port of London Authority and us (CTTE).  Navionics and C-Map have adopted these changes (earlier this year) but would be only brought up to date if you have a current subscription.  Old versions would be still be optimistic!  The second image is using the UKHO block that was issued by NtM 5173/2021 which incorporates all the changes on the Middle Sunk.  Note that the block is intended for the SNC not the SCC but for practical purposes it would serve.

Week  25

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 3.9, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 52° 28´·325N., 1° 45´·756E.  Delete depth, 5.5, close W and depth, 4.3, close E of: (a) above

Notice 2533 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C28D and Meridian Chartware.

Notice 2533 of 2022.pdf

Notice 2533.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1535 (Panel, Lowestoft Harbour) and 1535

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5614.3

Imray Charts:  C28D

One depth of reduction in the approaches to Lowestoft.  At 3.9m CD unlikely to hinder leisure craft.  The new sounding is arrowed in the image and two other reductions in that area refer to NtM 1798/2022.

Week  20

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Wreck.


depth, 14 at 51° 51´·04N., 1° 36´·28E.  Delete depth, 14.3, close NW ad depth, 14.5, close E.

depth, 16.2 at 51° 51´·11N., 1° 35´·89E.  Delete depth, 16.4, close NE.

depth, 15.6 at 51° 50´·30N., 1° 34´·39E.  Delete depth, 16.8, close NW.


,Wk, with ,Wk at 51° 50´·15N., 1° 34´·17E.

depth, 16.1, with depth, 16 at 51° 51´·11N., 1° 36´·61E.

depth, 15.4, with depth, 15.5 at 51° 50´·01N., 1° 34´·19E.

Notice 1956 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 1956 of 2022.pdf

Notice 1956.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1183, 1610, 1975, 2052 and 2692

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5607.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.3

5 changes of depth around the Sunk Inner and Dynamo area.  This is an area of frequent survey for the DW Channel.  Slight changes have occurred several times this year already but all this is unlikely to hinder leisure craft.  The notice includes a reduction of depth over a wreck (the Dynamo?) close to the Dynamo Yellow Special buoy.  At 16.7m CD unlikely to trouble leisure craft.

Week  19

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 1.6, and extend 2m contour NE to enclose 51° 47´·88N., 1° 37´·38E.  Delete depth, 3.6, close E. and depth, 2.6, close SE.

Notice 1694 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Charts C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 1694 of 2022.pdf

Notice 1694.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1183, 1601, 1975 and 2692.

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5607.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2100.1 and 2000.1

One reduction of depth at the Long Sand Head.  That continues the long standing extension of the Long Sand Head gradually towards the northeast.  Cutting the corner of Long Sand Head is NOT to be recommended!  Reduced sounding reported vide NtM 384 earlier this year are included in the image in green.

Week  18

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Obstructions.


depth, 8.3 at 51° 36´·19N., 1° 20´·42E.  Delete depth, 8.6, close SW.

depth, 7.4 at 51° 29´·60N., 1° 07´·04E.  Delete depth, 6.5, close NW.

depth, 13.3 at 51° 32´·27N., 1° 07´·75E.

depth, 12 at 51° 29´·33N., 0° 52´·87E.  Delete depth, 11, close S.


Obstn with Obstn at 51° 29´·58N., 0° 51´·72E.

Notice 1664 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 1664 of 2022.pdf

Notice 1664 combined.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1183, 1606, 1607, 1609 and 1975.

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5606.5, 5606.6, 5606.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Charts: 2000.1, 2001.1, 2100.2,

Four reductions of depth in the Estuary shipping channels; one at the entrance of the Fisherman’s Gat, one close to Princes No 7, one close to the Knock John No 4 and the last close to the Sea Reach No 1.  None likely to hinder leisure craft.  The notice adds a reduction depth over an obstruction in Sea Reach.

Week  14

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 16.6 , with depth, 16.5 at 51° 50´·36N., 1° 34´·23E.

depth, 15.5 , with depth, 15.1 at 51° 48´·95N., 1° 33´·24E.

depth, 16.7 , with depth, 16.1 at 51° 51´·10N., 1° 36´·61E.

depth, 15.8 , with depth, 15.4 at 51° 50´·02N., 1° 34´·17E.

depth, 16.4 , with depth, 15.7 at 51° 48´·90N., 1° 33´·44E.


sounding out of position, 16.3 at 51° 50´·06N., 1° 34´·00E.  Delete depth, 16.4 , close W.

Notice 1269 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 1269 of 2022.pdf

Notice 1269.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1183, 1610, 1975, 2052 and 2692

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5607.2.

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

5 replacement of depths with very slight reductions in and around the Black Deep DW channel close to the Dynamo special mark.  This is part of the constant monitoring of the depths for the DW channel and as such will not hinder leisure craft.

Week  11

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts to be published on 31st March, 2022

SCC 5606.4 Gull Stream to Princes Channel.


SCC 5606.5 Princes Channel to Medway Approach Channel.  1:50,000

SCC 5606.6 Whitaker Channel to West Swin.


Includes changes to depths from the latest Trinity House and Port of London Authority Surveys

Includes changes to depths from the latest Trinity House and Port of London Authority Surveys.

Includes changes to depths from the latest Trinity House and Port of London Authority Surveys

Week  9

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published 17th March 2022

Chart 1406 - North Sea, Dover and Calais to Orford Ness and Scheveningen.  1:250,000

Chart 1610 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Approaches to the Thames Estuary.  1:150,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths, pilotage areas and a light.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths, obstructions, pilotage areas, lights, coastline and pipeline.

Week  5

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 14.7 at 51° 50´·27N., 1° 34´·49E.  Delete depth, 15.2, close N.

depth, 12.5 at 51° 48´·88N., 1° 36´·23E.  Delete depth, 13.3 , close NW.

depth, 14.8 , enclosed by 15m contour at 51° 48´·69N., 1° 36´·35E.  Delete depth, 15.2, close W.

depth, 13.9 and extend 15m contour E to enclose: 51° 49´·04N., 1° 36´·74E.  Delete depth, 14.8, close NW and depth, 16.4, close SE.

depth, 13.3 at 51° 49´·20N., 1° 36´·94E.  Delete depth, 14.3, close E.

depth, 15.5 at 51° 49´·58N., 1° 37´·47E.  Delete depth, 15.8, close W.

depth, 11.6 at 51° 48´·48N., 1° 37´·55E.  Delete depth, 12.3, close N and depth, 12, close W.

depth, 11.4 at 51° 48´·21N., 1° 38´·89E.  Delete depth, 11.9, close SE.

depth, 10.7 at 51° 48´·51N., 1° 39´·05E.  Delete depth, 11.2, close S.

depth, 11.1 at 51° 48´·68N., 1° 39´·28E.  Delete depth, 12.3, close N and depth, 12.5, close E.


depth, 12.2 , with depth 12 at 51° 48´·53N., 1° 36´·44E.

depth, 13.7 , with depth 13 at 51° 48´·80N., 1° 35´·98E.

Notice 384 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 384 of 2022.pdf

Notice 384.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1183, 1610, 1975, 2052 and 2692

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5607.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

Twelve reductions of depth in and around the Deep Water routes and Two-Way route around the Long Sand Head and the Inner Sunk.  This is obviously about the Deep Water channels and as every reduction of depth exceeds over 10m, this is unlikely to hinder leisure craft.  But it shows a continuing trend of reduction to the north-east of the Long Sand Head.

Week  5

Black Deep -  Black Deep No.2 Lighted Buoy

Amendment : Moved to Latitude 51° 45.662’N., Longitude 001° 32.222’E.

Trinity House Notices to Mariners No 4 of 2022

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice TH4 of 2022.pdf

Notice TH4.pdf


UKHO Charts: 1183, 1610, 1975, 2052 and 2692

UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5607.2

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

A very small move of the Black Deep No 2 port hand buoy which ‘partners’ the Sunk Head Tower north cardinal opposite.  The move is so small the change is illustrated in the image by a ‘dot’.

Week  3

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck.


with at 51° 29´·10N., 1° 06´·46E.

Notice 216 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 216 of 2022.pdf

Notice 216.pdf


UKHO Small Craft Charts:  5606.5

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.2

A reassessment of depth (reducing the depth) over a wreck just south of the Princes No 6 port hand buoy which marks the south of the Princes Channel in the Estuary.  Note this is only correcting the UKHO Small Craft Series not the principal UKHO chart 1607 which had updated earlier this month.

Week  2

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 14.3 at 51° 51´·04N., 1° 36´·26E.  Delete depth, 16.7, close N.

depth, 15.5 at 51° 51´·34N., 1° 37´·34E.

depth, 15.5 at 51° 51´·45N., 1° 37´·62E.  Delete depth, 15.7, close NW.

depth, 15.9 at 51° 52´·05N., 1° 34´·51E.  Delete depth, 16.4 , close SW.


depth, 14.7, with depth, 14.2 at 51° 50´·97N., 1° 36´·91E.

depth, 16.4 , with depth, 15.9 at 51° 51´·23N., 1° 37´·51E.

Notice 114 of 2022.pdfNotice 114 refers

Notice 114.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1975 and 2052

Imray Charts:  C1

Imray Leisure Folios: 2120.3 and 2120.3B

Six slight reductions of depth in and around the Sunk Inner mark.  At all over 15+m unlikely to hinder leisure craft!

Scroll down for pre-2022 notices

Week  52

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts on 13th January, 2022

Chart 1606 - England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Fisherman's Gat to Princes Channel.  1:25,000

Chart 1607 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Thames Estuary Southern Part.  1:50,000

Chart 1609 - England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Knock John Channel to Sea Reach.  1:25,000

Includes changes to depths from the latest Port of London Authority and Trinity House Surveys.

Includes changes to depths from the latest Trinity House and Port of London Authority Surveys.

Includes changes to depths from the latest Port of London Authority and Peel Ports Medway Surveys.

Week  50

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Drying heights. NM Block.

For Chart 1183 Insert:

drying height, 1.2, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 39´·97N., 1° 21´·62E.

drying height, 0.3, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 38´·34N., 1° 18´·16E.

drying height, 0.7, and extend 0m approximate low water line NE to enclose 51° 39´·73N., 1° 19´·00E. Delete depth, 4.2, close NE.

drying height, 0.6, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 40´·22N., 1° 19´·29E.

drying height, 0.8, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 40´·32N., 1° 19´·62E.  Delete depth, 1.1, close S.

depth, 0.9, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 40´·55N., 1° 20´·27E.

depth, 3.9, enclosed by 5m contour 51° 40´·60N., 1° 20´·85E.  Delete depth, 8.9, close SW.

For Chart 1975


the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 39´·8N., 1° 19´·7E.

Notice 5173 refers

The Block is copyright of the UKHO.

Notice 5173 of 2021.pdf

Notice 5173.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Small Craft Charts: 5607.3

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1. 2000.1

This notice listed five new drying heights and two reduced soundings at the Middle Sunk (between the Barrow and Black Deeps).  Chart 1183 needs individual annotation; Chart 1975 has a UKHO block (illustrated).  This notice is the consequence of a 2015 Port of London Authority and an exploratory survey by CTTE.  The result significantly updates the Middle Sunk crossing which shows a series of drying ‘knuckles’ on the ‘finger’ that extends north-east from the Middle Sunk knoll.  With the SW Sunk and Little Sunk crossings both viable, I would suggest that the Middle Sunk crossing ought not be used without some careful consideration.

The UKHO block also includes part of the SW Sunk swatchway.  Current paper and electronic charts have not been updated since 2019 and they are therefore 600m out of position.  You will see from the image taken of the UKHO block placed on Chart 1975, you will that it appears that the SW Sunk swatch is now recorded in the right place in the primary database.  I am checking that the record has been updated and I will report back.

Week  47

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 4.4, and extend 5m contour NW to enclose 51° 38´·76N., 1° 25´·22E.  Delete depth, 5.5, close NE.

depth, 2.5 at 51° 37´·67N., 1° 25´·99E.  Delete depth, 2.7, close SE.

depth, 4 at 51° 38´·95N., 1° 25´·67E.  Delete depth, 4.6, close SW.

depth, 3.6 at 51° 39´·15N., 1° 25´·90E.  Delete depth, 4.4, close SW.

Notice 4891 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 4891 of 2021.pdf

Notice 4891.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5607.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1, 2000.1

Four reduced depths one close to the Long Sand Inner SWB at the entrance to Foulger’s Gat, one in Foulger’s Gat and two along the edge of the Wind Farm on the side of the Black Deep.  Given that there are no reductions elsewhere within Foulger’s Gat, it is reasonable to assume that the Gat was surveyed and it remains entirely feasible.

Week  46

ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts published 2nd December 2021

SC5606 Edition 1  Thames Estuary - Ramsgate to Canvey Island.

5606_1 Southern North Sea and Dover Strait. 1:250,000

5606_2 Southern Thames Estuary. 1:100,000

5606_3 Dover Strait Dover to Ramsgate including Sandettié Bank. 1:75,000

5606_4 Gull Stream to Princes Channel. 1:50,000

5606_5 Princes Channel to Medway Approach Channel. 1:50,000

5606_6 Whitaker Channel to West Swin. 1:50,000

5606_7 Havengore Bridge to Southend-on-Sea. 1:25,000

5606_8 River Thames Southend-on-Sea to Canvey Island. 1:25,000

5606_9 Medway Approach Channel. 1:25,000

5606_10 A Mouth of River Medway and West Swale. 1:25,000  B The Swale Ferry Reach. 1:12,500

C Ramsgate. 1:5,000

5606_11 A River Medway Saltpan Reach to Chatham Reach. 1:25,000  B River Medway Rochester. 1:12,500  C Approaches to Ramsgate. 1:12,500

5606_12 A The Swale Shell Ness to Conyer Creek. 1:25,000  B River Medway Rochester Bridge to Wouldham. 1:25,000  C River Medway Wouldham to Lower Cut. 1:25,000  D River Medway Lower Cut to Allington Marina. 1:25,000  E River Medway Continuation to Maidstone. 1:25,000

A series of new Small Craft charts, replacing the Leisure folios. For the convenience of chart users, the number of the withdrawn folio has been retained for these new charts. All sheets have been fully updated for New Editions and Notice to Mariners affecting source charts.

Week  41

ENGLAND - East Coast - Light-vessel. Buoy. Superbuoy. Fog signal.

Note: Radar beacon and AIS remains unchanged.


On Chart 1183

the symbol, light-vessel, Fl(2)20s12m16M Horn(2)60s Sunk Centre,

On Charts 1406, 1408 and 2182A

Fl(2)20s12m16M Horn(2)60s Sunk Centre

On Chart 1610 and 2052,

symbol, red light-vessel, Fl(2)20s16M Horn(2)60s Sunk Centre

 with Mo(A)15s Sunk Centre at 51° 50´·10N., 1° 46´·02E.

Notice 4066 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 4066 of 2021.pdf

Notice 4066.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1406, 1408, 1610, 2052 and 2182A

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.1.

The Sunk Centre light ship is replaced by a safe water buoy with changed light characteristics.

Week  38

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 8.6 at 51° 43´·18N., 1° 17´·16E.  Delete depth, 9.5, close NE.

depth, 8.2 at 51° 42´·89N., 1° 16´·45E.  Delete depth, 9.3, close NE.

depth, 9 at 51° 42´·28N., 1° 15´·06E.  Delete depth, 9.5, close NE.

depth, 9.7, enclosed by 10m contour at 51° 41´·63N., 1° 13´·56E.

depth, 8.5 at 51° 42´·55N., 1° 15´·63E.  Delete depth, 9.4, close NE.

Notice 3774 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 3774 of 2021.pdf

Notice 3774.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2, 5606.6, 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1.

Five reductions of depth in the East Swin, east of the N. Middle.  At all 8m+ still ok for us but obviously a continual trend of reduction.

Week  37

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wrecks.


at 51° 38´·18N., 1° 17´·84E.

at 51° 38´·18N., 1° 17´·31E.

at 51° 38´·18N., 1° 16´·70E.

Notice 3589 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 3589 of 2021.pdf

SW Sunk 2021 V3 Web Download.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.6, 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1, 2100.1

New notification of three wrecks within the SW Sunk swatchway!.  I think we can assume the migration of the swatch to the north-east has uncovered three previous unreported wrecks.  At 3.5m, this does NOT affect usage of the swatch by leisure craft. The  Port of London Authority have conducted a survey on the swatch and have kindly provided details which I am currently studying.

Week  37

ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy.


  VQ at 52° 00´·08N., 1° 59´·35E.

Notice 3626 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C28 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 3626 of 2021.pdf

Notice 3626.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1610 and 2052

Imray Charts:  C28 and C1

Delete of the North Cardinal Buoy marking the northern part of the Galloper Wind Farm.

Week  33

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 1, and extend 2m contour NE to enclose 51° 47´·85N., 1° 37´·29E.  Delete depth, 2.8.

Notice 3260 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 3260 of 2021.pdf

Notice 3260.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1975 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1.

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

The continual and relentless movement of sands to the north-east in the Estuary.  One reduction of depth at the Long Sand Head.  The image includes previous reductions of depth vide NtM 297 of this year and 4883 of 2020.

Week  30

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 7.4 at 51° 29´·78N., 1° 04´·43E.  Delete depth, 7.6, close W.

depth, 8.1 at 51° 29´·72N., 1° 04´·57E.

depth, 8 at 51° 29´·59N., 1° 04´·13E.  Delete depth, 8.2, close NE.

depth, 9 at 51° 29´·56N., 1° 04´·40E.  Delete depth, 9.5, close SE.

Notice 3020 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 3020 of 2021.pdf

Notice 3020.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1609

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.5.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.2

A ‘cluster’ of 4 slight reductions of depth in the DW channel of the Princes Channel between the Princes Inner and the Shivering Sands South.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft and not the best place for us to be!

Week  25

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published on 8th July, 2021

Chart 1975 England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Northern Part.  1:50,000

Chart 2052 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Orford Ness to The Naze. 1:50,000

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government, Port of London Authority, and Trinity House surveys.

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government surveys.

Week  22

ENGLAND - East Coast - Fog signal.


fog signal to, Bell, at light-buoy 51° 34´·14N., 1° 34´·29E.

Notice 2229 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 2229 of 2021.pdf

Notice 2229.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1607

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.1.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1.

Change of Fog characteristics from Whis to Bell at the South Knock south cardinal buoy (at the south-east corner of the London Array Wind Farm and marking the south end of the Kentish Knock).

Week  22

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.5 at 51° 48´·94N., 1° 33´·30E.  Delete depth, 16.3, close E and depth, 16, close N.

Notice 2249 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 2249 of 2021.pdf

Notice 2249.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1610, 1975, 2052 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1, 2100.1.

A revised depth right on the DW track entering the Black Deep.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  11

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts to be published on 1st April, 2021

Chart 1610 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Approaches to the Thames Estuary.  1:150,000

Includes changes to the UK fisheries limits, wrecks, obstructions and depths from the latest British Government, Trinity House and Belgium Government surveys

Week  7

ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoyage.


Fl(5)Y.20s2M (3 buoys) at 51° 40´·83N., 1° 31´·18E.

Fl(5)Y.20s (3 buoys)at 51° 37´·06N., 1° 30´·36E.

Notice 733 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 733 of 2021.pdf

Notice 733.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1, 2000.1.

As reported by the London Array Wind Farm two weeks ago, the two clusters of Wave Recorder buoys within the Wind Farm area have been removed.

Week  6

ENGLAND - East Coast - Obstruction.


Obstn with at 51° 28´·80N., 1° 35´·00E.

Notice 643 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 643 of 2021.pdf

Notice 643.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1607

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.4.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

The depth over a known obstn north of the Thanet Wind Farm is now defined.  At 20.9m unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  4

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 12 at 51° 48´·75N., 1° 39´·14E.  Delete depth, 12.5, close N and depth, 12.8, close W

depth, 13.1 at 51° 48´·98N., 1° 39´·09E.  Delete depth, 13.4, close W.


depth, 14.2, with depth, 14.3 at 51° 49´·21N., 1° 37´·04E.

depth, 11.3, with depth, 11.1 at 51° 48´·46N., 1° 39´·07E.

depth, 14.8, and associated 15m contour, with depth, 15.2 at 51° 48´·69N., 1° 36´·34E.

Notice 297 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 297 of 2021.pdf

Notice 297.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1610, 1975, 2052 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1

Five changes of depth in the Long Sand Head Two-Way Route around the Long Sand Head.  The depth changes are slight suggesting there are no problems in the Shipping channel.  Not likely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  3

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15, with depth, 16.3 at 51° 48´·93N., 1° 33´·34E.  Delete depth, 15, and associated 15m contour close E.


depth, 16.4 at 51° 48´·92N., 1° 33´·43E.  Delete depth, 15.3, close S.

depth, 16.8 at 51° 50´·06N., 1° 34´·01E.  Delete depth, 16.3, close SW.

depth, 16.6 at 51° 51´·16N., 1° 35´·75E.  Delete depth, 16.2, close SE.

depth, 17 at 51° 51´·17N., 1° 37´·56E.  Delete depth, 16.4, close S.

Notice 212 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 212 of 2021.pdf

Notice 212.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1975, 2052 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1.

Four increases in depth in the Deep Water Channel in the Black Deep and Sunk Inner area.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  2

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.7 at 51° 51´·48N., 1° 37´·56E.  Delete depth, 15.5, close SE.

depth, 15.7 at 51° 51´·52N., 1° 36´·17E.  Delete depth, 16.1, close N.


depth, 16.9, with depth, 17.6 at 51° 51´·52N., 1° 34´·82E.

depth, 16.9, with depth, 17.6 at 51° 51´·78N., 1° 34´·01E.

Notice 187 refers

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware

Notice 187 of 2021.pdf

Notice 187.pdf


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1975, 2052 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1.

Four revised depths adjacent to the Sunk Inner Lightship.  At all over 15m unlikely to hinder leisure craft.  The Image also includes revised similar depths in the area reported in NtM 941/2020.

2020 Notices for this area below

Week  52

ENGLAND - South East Coast - Buoy.

A yellow special purpose light-buoy, Fl.Y.5s, has been deployed, until further notice, in position 51° 19´·64N., 1° 46´·92E.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Notice 6186(T) of 2020-9.pdfNotice 6186(T) refers

Notice 6186(T).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  323, 1406, 1610 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5605.1, 5606.1, 5607.1.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.7

A new special buoy close to the Mid Falls PHB close to the SW heading TSS.  NtM 5785 notified us of a similar special buoy mid-way between the Goodwin Knoll and the Mid Fall buoys so that is included in the same image.  We can conclude that the special marks are related to the power cable.

Week  51

ENGLAND - East Coast - Spoil grounds.


limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining:

51° 53´·88N., 1° 49´·82E.

51° 53´·79N., 1° 50´·45E.

51° 52´·21N., 1° 49´·84E.

51° 52´·31N., 1° 49´·20E.


former limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining:

51° 53´·09N., 1° 49´·62E.

51° 53´·03N., 1° 50´·04E.

51° 52´·37N., 1° 49´·78E.

51° 52´·43N., 1° 49´·35E.

Notice 6076 of 2020.pdfNotice 6076 refers

Notice 6076.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 2052

Imray Charts:  C1

An enlarged ‘Spoil Ground’ area north of the West Inner Gabbard Special Buoy.

Week  49

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.2 at 51° 37´·30N., 1° 20´·40E.  Delete depth, 15.7, close W.

Notice 5850 of 2020.pdfNotice 5850 refers

Notice 5850.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1, 2100.1

A reduction of depth on the centre of the DW channel in the Black Deep adjacent to the ‘BDM2’ special mark.  At 15m+, unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  48

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15, enclosed by 15m contour (a) 51° 48´·92N., 1° 33´·30E.  Delete depth, 15.1, close N

circular 15m contour, radius 40m, centred on: 51° 48´·92N., 1° 33´·30E.

Notice 5704 of 2020.pdfNotice 5704 refers

Notice 5704.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  2052 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1.

This is catching up the above quoted charts.  The slight reduction to 15m was subject to the principle charts in week 36 NtM 4321.  Not likely to hinder leisure craft!

Week  47

ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck. Depth.


at 51° 38´·40N., 1° 22´·19E.  Delete depth, 20.2, close W.

Notice 5685 of 2020.pdfNotice 5685 refers

Notice 5685.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1, 2000.1

A new wreck (unusually) in the Black Deep close to the DW line and within the Ship’s anchorage between Fisherman’s and Foulger’s Gat.

At 20m unlikely to hinder leisure craft and not where we ought to be stopping!

Week  46

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 7.1 at 51° 29´·32N., 1° 07´·57E.  Delete depth, 7.5, close E.

depth, 6.9 at 51° 29´·38N., 1° 06´·64E.

Notice 5540 of 2020.pdfNotice 5540 refers

Notice 5540.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1606, 1607 and 1609

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1.

In week 37 NtM No 4363 notified of two reductions of depth (inter alia) in the Princes Deep Water Channel.  This notice is reporting further reductions of depth at those spots.  But unlikely to hinder leisure craft and not where we ought to really be.

Week  44

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 0.9 at 51° 54´·20N., 1° 34´·50E.  Delete depth, 1.5, close N.

depth, 2, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 53´·99N., 1° 34´·44E.  Delete depth, 2.6, close SW.

depth, 1.3, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 54´·11N., 1° 34´·46E.  Delete depth, 2.9, close N.

Notice 5293 of 2020.pdfNotice 5293 refers

Notice 5293.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 2052 and 2692.

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.1, 5607.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1

Three reductions of depth on the South Ship Head between the SW Shipwash and Walker buoys.  These depths are not to be ignored.

Week  44

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth.

A depth of 5m exists in position 51° 42´·07N., 1° 18´·90E.  These and other changes will be included in the next New Edition of Chart 1975.

Notice 5274(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 5274(P) refers

Notice 5274(P).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1975.

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

This Preliminary Notice repeats Notice 5032 from last week to include Chart 1975 which is planned to be reissued later this year.  So no change from the earlier notice.

Week  43

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Drying height.


depth, 5, enclosed by 5m contour at 51° 42´·07N., 1° 18´·90E.  Delete depth, 5.6, close

depth, 4.6, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 51° 29´·76N., 0° 38´·06E.  Delete depth, 7.3, close NW.

drying height, 0.2, and extend 0m low water line N to enclose 51° 29´·66N., 0° 38´·58E.  Delete depth, 0.9, close S.

depth, 3.5, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 51° 29´·71N., 0° 38´·98E.  Delete depth, 6.6, close NW.

depth, 2, and extend 2m contour N to enclose 51° 29´·52N., 0° 40´·34E.


depth, 6.8, with depth, 4.6, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 51° 29´·63N., 0° 40´·01E.

Notice 5032 of 2020.pdfNotice 5032 refers

Notice 5032 combined.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and C2100.2 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 1185.

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2, 5606.8.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1, 2100.2

One reduction of depth in the Barrow Deep Anchorage and 5 reductions of depth along the Yantlet Flats in Sea Reach (River Thames) between the E. Bythe north cardinal and the W. Nore Sand.

Week  43

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth.

Recent survey information has shown a depth of 2m exists in position 51° 46´·91N., 1° 36´·55E.  Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

This change will be included in New Edition 1975 to be published in late 2020.

Charts 2692 and 1183 will be updated by Notice to Mariners.

Notice 5049(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 5049(P) refers

Notice 5049(P).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1975.

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1

A preliminary notice advising a reduction of depth on the east side of the Long Sand Head.  Continual gradual reductions in that area!

Week  42

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 8.6, and extend 10m contour N to enclose 51° 48´·18N., 1° 38´·10E.  Delete depth, 9.4, close S., depth, 8.9, close SE and depth, 9.6, close W.

Notice 4883 of 2020.pdfNotice 4883 refers

Notice 4883.jpg

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1975 and 2692.

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1

One reduction of depth at the Long Sand Head.  At over 8m, not likely to hinder leisure craft but the significance is the increasing tendency for the Long Sand Head to extend towards the north-east.

Week  42

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.3 at 51° 45´·40N., 1° 30´·98E.

Notice 4920 of 2020.pdfNotice 4920 refers

Notice 4920.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1975 and 2692.

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1

One reduction of depth in the Deep Water channel of the Black Deep close to the Black Deep No 2 (PHB).  A series of reductions in the DW channel had been reported in week 25 vide NtM 3001 and this reduction reported now is a further reduction.  Not likely to hinder leisure craft – and not where we ought to be!

Week  41

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published 08 October 2020

Chart 1606 - England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Fisherman's Gat to Princes Channel.


Chart 1607- International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Southern Part.


Chart 1609 - England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Knock John Channel to Sea Reach.


Includes depths from the latest Port of London Authority surveys

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 1620(P)/20 is cancelled.

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government and Port of London Authority surveys.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 1620(P)/20 is cancelled.

Includes changes to depths from the latest Port of London Authority and Peel Ports Medway surveys.

NOTE:  Ntm 1620(P) was issued in Week 13 this year.  An extensive preliminary notice of 13 reduced depths and 10 new drying heights in the southern part of the Thames Estuary: 7 changes in and around the Long Sand and Tizard Bank, 11 changes on the Shingles and the Ridge Sand and Pan Sand (sound of the Princes Channel), and 5 changes on the Margate Sand.  Some of the changes are dramatic but are generally not in the usual routes for leisure craft.

Week  38

ENGLAND - East Coast - Obstruction.


at 51° 29´·39N., 1° 22´·46E.

Notice 4472 combined.pdfNotices 4472 and 4511 refer

Notice 4472.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1606, 1607 and 1183

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1, 2000.1

New obstn at the East Tongue Sand Tower (where there are already several).

Week  37

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 7.1 at 51° 29´·40N., 1° 06´·45E.

depth, 7.5 at 51° 29´·32N., 1° 07´·61E.  Delete depth, 8, close N.

depth, 7.3 at 51° 29´·58N., 1° 03´·73E.  Delete depth, 7.2 , close SE and depth 7.5 on that position.

Notice 4363 of 2020.pdfNotice 4363 refers

Notice 4363.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1606, 1607 and 1609

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1.

Three reductions of depth on the southern edge of the Princes Deep Water Channel.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft and probably not where we ought to be!

Week  36

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.1, with depth, 15 at 51° 48´·93N., 1° 33´·30E.  Delete depth, 15.1, close N

Notice 4321 of 2020.pdfNotice 4321 refers

Notice 4174(P).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1610 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1.

This notice is following the Preliminary notice 4174(P) last week amending one reduction of depth in the Sunk Inner Area on Charts 1610 and 1975.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  35

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth.

Recent survey information has shown a depth of 15m exists in position 51° 48´·93N., 1° 33´·30E.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.  These and other changes will be included in New Edition of charts 2052 and 1183, to be published mid 2020.  Charts 1610, 1975 and 2692 will be updated by Notice to Mariners.

Notice 4174(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 4174(P) refers

Notice 4174(P).pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183 and 2052

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1.

This Preliminary Notice advises of depths of 15m CD in the Deep Water channel of the Black Deep/Inner Sunk area so unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  31

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth.


depth, 15.1, with depth, 15.5 at 51° 28´·90N., 0° 56´·93E.

Notice 3662 of 2020.pdfNotice 3662 refers

Notice 3662.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1607 and 1609

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.5.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1.

Unusually for a NtM, this is an increase of depth very adjacent to the Oaze Yellow Special Buoy because it is in the main channel.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  29

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 4.8, and extend 5m contour S to enclose 51° 32´·49N., 1° 01´·68E.

depth, 5, and extend 5m contour SW to enclose 51° 32´·09N., 1° 00´·26E  Delete depth, 5.1, close SW

Notice 3533 of 2020.pdfNotice 3533 refers

Notice 3533.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1607 and 1609

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.6

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1.

2 reductions of depth in the Mouse Channel off the SW Barrow.  NtM 137 in Week 2 notified us of one reduction of depth and a new FOUL in the same area so that is included in the image..

Week  25

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 15.8 at 51° 44´·83N., 1° 30´·53E.  Delete depth, 15.7, close NE.


depth, 15.8, with depth, 16.1 at 51° 46´·53N., 1° 31´·97E.

depth, 15.9, with depth, 16.1 at 51° 45´·85N., 1° 31´·52E.

depth, 16.6, with depth, 16.1 at 51° 44´·33N., 1° 30´·23E.

depth, 15.6, with depth, 15.8 at 51° 45´·40N., 1° 30´·98E.

depth, 15.7, with depth, 15.9 at 51° 44´·96N., 1° 30´·64E.

Notice 3001 of 2020.pdfNotice 3001 refers

Notice 3001.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1975 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1

A series of 6 revised depths in the central line of the SW water channel in the Black Deep adjacent to the Long Sand Head.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft (and not really best for us to be there!).

Week  23

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. NM Blocks.

Chart 1183

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 49´·4N., 1° 33´·6E.

Chart 1610

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 49´·4N., 1° 33´·0E.

Chart 1975

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 48´·8N., 1° 33´·9E.

Chart 2052

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 48´·7N., 1° 33´·6E.

Chart 2692


depth, 15.1 at 51° 48´·94N., 1° 33´·29E.  Delete depth, 14.9, and associated 15m contour, close SE and depth, 15.7, close NW.

Notice of 2780 of 2020.pdfNotice 2780 refers

Notice 2780 combined.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1610, 1975, 2052 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1.

There are 4 UKHO blocks and one reduction of depth.  This affects part of the Sunk Inner Precautionary Area between the Dynamo special buoy and the Sunk Head Tower (NCB).  The 4 blocks are similar but difference scales etc for 4 different UKHO charts.  One is illustrated but all can be download via the button.  The reduced sounding affects a fifth chart which has no block.  Image shown below.

Week  19

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 5.6 at 51° 29´·22N., 1° 06´·78E.  Delete depth, 5.7, close SE.

Notice 2417 of 2020.pdfNotice 2417 refers

Notice 2417.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1606, 1607 and 1609

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

One small reduction of depth just by the Princes No 6 PHB.  Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  18

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 4.7, enclosed by 5m contour 51° 32´·08N., 1° 22´·91E.  Delete depth, 5.2, close SE.

Notice 2189 of 2020.pdfNotice 2189 refers

Notice 2189.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1606 and 1607

Imray Charts:  C1

UK UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

One reduction of depth at the southern entrance of the North Edinburgh Channel.  I noticed there was a survey a couple of months back so only one reduction of depth is good news.

Week  14

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.

Note: Former Notice 1640(P)/20 is cancelled.


depth, 1.2, and extend 2m contour NW to enclose 51° 35´·05N., 1° 17´·50E.  Delete depth, 3, close NE.

depth, 1.4, enclosed by 2m contour at 51° 34´·64N., 1° 21´·72E.

Notice 1724 of 2020.pdfNotice 1724 refers

Notice 1724.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.4, 5606.5, 5606.6

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

These two reductions of depth around the Long Sand are associated with last week’s Notices No 1620(P) and 1640(P).  The first is very close to the week of the Mi Amigo (Radio Caroline) and appears to be a typo in Notice 1640 (1° 17´·05E in 1640(P) and 1° 17´·50E in this Notice).  The second depth is identical as the earlier notice but I made a typo on the Longitude in Fisherman’s Gat.  All corrected in the image!

Week  13

New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published 19 March 2020

Chart 2692 - England - East Coast, Sunk Inner Precautionary Area.  1:25,000

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government and Port of London Authority Surveys.

Week  13

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Drying heights.

The latest survey information for the Thames Estuary indicates that depths less than charted exist. The most significant are as follows:

Depth     Position

1·2m       51° 35´·05N., 1° 17´·50E.

1·4m       51° 34´·64N., 1° 21´·72E.

3·8m       51° 34´·26N., 1° 15´·76E.

4·8m       51° 33´·98N., 1° 22´·43E.

4·8m       51° 33´·59N., 1° 13´·88E.

1·4m       51° 33´·51N., 1° 12´·96E.

2·9m       51° 33´·24N., 1° 12´·20E.

Drying 0·4m     51° 30´·76N., 1° 10´·62E

Drying 0·6m     51° 30´·11N., 1° 12´·38E.

0·4m       51° 29´·96N., 1° 09´·19E.

Drying 1·9m     51° 28´·60N., 1° 12´·02E.

Drying 2·5m     51° 28´·60N., 1° 12´·89E.

2·0m       51° 28´·53N., 1° 14´·16E.

2·4m       51° 28´·53N., 1° 11´·15E.

Drying 2·3m     51° 28´·46N., 1° 11´·65E.

Drying 0·5m     51° 28´·45N., 1° 13´·77E.

Drying 0·1m     51° 28´·11N., 1° 08´·58E.

Drying 0·2m     51° 27´·99N., 1° 11´·66E.

4·9m       51° 27´·10N., 1° 21´·32E.

1·5m       51° 27´·02N., 1° 19´·73E.

1·6m       51° 26´·96N., 1° 22´·15E.

Drying 0·3m     51° 26´·83N., 1° 21´·08E.

Drying 0·2m     51° 26´·11N., 1° 17´·05E.

These and other changes will be included in the next New Editions of Charts 1606 and 1607.

Notice 1620(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 1620(P) refers

Notice 1620(P) combined.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1606 and 1607

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.4, 5606.5, 5606.6

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

An extensive preliminary notice of 13 reduced depths and 10 new drying heights in the southern part of the Thames Estuary: 7 changes in and around the Long Sand and Tizard Bank, 11 changes on the Shingles and the Ridge Sand and Pan Sand (sound of the Princes Channel), and 5 changes on the Margate Sand.  These changes require three chartlets:  Some of the changes are dramatic but are generally not in the usual routes for leisure craft.

Week  13

ENGLAND - East Coast - Drying heights. Depths.


depth, 1.4, and extend 2m contour E to enclose 51° 34´·64N., 1° 21´·72E.

depth, 4.8, and extend 5m contour E to enclose 51° 33´·59N., 1° 13´·88E.

drying height, 0.5, and extend 0m low water line NE to enclose 51° 28´·45N., 1° 13´·77E.

depth, 1.5, and extend 2m contour N to enclose 51° 27´·02N., 1° 19´·73E.

depth, 4.9, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 51° 27´·10N., 1° 21´·32E.  Delete depth, 8.4, close W.

drying height, 0.2, enclosed by 0m low water line 51° 26´·11N., 1° 17´·05E.

drying height, 0.4, enclosed by 0m low water line 51° 30´·76N., 1° 10´·62E.

depth, 0.4, enclosed by 2m contour 51° 29´·96N., 1° 09´·19E.

drying height, 0.1, enclosed by 0m low water line 51° 28´·11N., 1° 08´·58E.

depth, 2.4, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 51° 28´·53N., 1° 11´·15E.  Delete depth, 3.9, close S.

depth, 3.8, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 51° 28´·57N., 1° 11´·31E.  Delete depth, 7, close SW. *

drying height, 0.3, and extend 0m low water line N to enclose 51° 26´·83N., 1° 21´·08E.

depth, 1.5, and extend 2m contour N to enclose 51° 27´·02N., 1° 19´·73E.  Delete depth, 3.4, close S.

depth, 1.6, and extend 2m contour N to enclose 51° 26´·96N., 1° 22´·15E.  Delete depth, 3.3, close E.

Notice 1638 of 2020.pdfNotice 1638 refers

Notice 1638.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1609 and  1828

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

This permanent notice repeats 13 of the reduced depths or drying heights in the previous preliminary notice.  But it has 14 reduced depths so it includes one extra.  I have added that ‘extra’ depth to the image illustrated.  See if you can spot it!

Week  13

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.

Depths less than charted exist within the Thames Estuary. The most significant are as follows:

Depth      Position

1·2m       51° 35´·05N., 1° 17´·50E.

1·4m       51° 34´·64N., 1° 21´·72E.

Notice 1640(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 1640(P) refers


UKHO Charts:  1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1

This preliminary notice repeats the first two reduced depths in the earlier preliminary notice above.  The point of this is to notify the change for a different chart (viz 1975).  The image of the earlier preliminary notice already includes this notice so refer to the first of those three images.

Week  13

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth.

Recent survey information has shown a depth of 14m exists in position 51° 30´·137N., 0° 36´·447E.

Chart 1186 will be updated by NM following New Edition publication on 26 March 2020.

Notice 1653(P) of 2020.pdfNotice 1653(P) refers


UKHO Charts:  1186

Imray Charts:  C2

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.8

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.2

This is more about doing the housework than notifying a change of depth.  It is a preliminary notice about Chart 1186 for a reduced depth in the middle of Yantlet Channel which is covered in NtM 1650 above – which is for Chart 1185.  I refer to the image for NtM 1650!

Week  12

ENGLAND - East Coast - Channel limits.


limit of channel, pecked line, joining:

(a) 51° 28´·79N., 1° 19´·87E.

51° 29´·48N., 1° 22´·21E.

51° 30´·34N., 1° 24´·44E.


(b) 51° 28´·73N., 1° 18´·27E.

51° 27´·27N., 1° 25´·23E.


former limit of channel, pecked line, joining: (a) above

51° 28´·79N., 1° 22´·09E.


(b) above

51° 27´·82N., 1° 22´·14E.

Notice 1452 of 2020.pdfNotice 1452 refers

Notice 1452.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1606 and 1607

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.4

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1.

The eastern channel leading to and from the Princes Channel has been revised and widened.

Week  8

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 16.1 at 51° 50´·34N., 1° 34´·35E.  Delete depth, 16.9, close W.

depth, 15.3 at 51° 51´·08N., 1° 36´·70E.  Delete depth, 15.7 , close W.

depth, 16.2 at 51° 50´·05N., 1° 34´·00E.  Delete depth, 16.7, close SE.


depth, 15.8, with depth, 15.5 at 51° 51´·08N., 1° 35´·99E.

Notice 941 of 2020.pdfNotice 941 refers

Notice 941.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1975, 2052 and 2692

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1, 2100.1.

Four small reductions of depth in the Sunk Inner area of the Sunk Precautionary Area.  At over 15m, unlikely to hinder leisure craft.

Week  6

ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoyage.


Fl(3)G.15s No 3 with Fl(3)G.15s No 3 at 51° 42´·39N., 1° 26´·65E. (Black Deep)

Fl.R.2·5s No 6 with Fl.R.2·5s No 6 at 51° 38´·52N., 1° 24´·40E. (Black Deep)

Fl.G.2·5s No 7 with Fl.G.2·5s No 7 at 51° 37´·49N., 1° 13´·47E. (Barrow Deep)

Fl(4)R.15s No 6 with Fl(4)R.15s No 6 at 51° 37´·30N., 1° 14´·68E. (Barrow Deep)

Fl(2)R.5s No 8 with Fl(2)R.5s No 8 at 51° 35´·05N., 1° 11´·36E. (Barrow Deep)

Notice 667 of 2020.pdfNotice 667 refers

Notice 667.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1607, 1609 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.6, 5607.2.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1, 2100.1.

A change of style of five buoys in the Barrow and Black Deep; the cylindrical and conical buoys are changed for pillar buoys with topmark.  The position and light characteristics remain as before.

Week  6

ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths.


depth, 14 at 51° 29´·04N., 1° 16´·87E.  Delete depth, 16.4, close N

depth, 13.4, enclosed by 15m contour at 51° 29´·09N., 1° 17´·31E.  Delete depth, 15’5, close S.

depth, 5, and extend 5m contour N to enclose 51° 29´·60N., 1° 20´·33E.

depth, 6.2 at 51° 29´·72N., 1° 20´·96E.  Delete depth, 7.1, close N


depth, 7.1, with depth, 4.7, and extend 5m contour S to enclose 51° 28´·40N., 1° 16´·90E.

depth, 7.1, with depth, 6.2 at 51° 29´·72N., 1° 20´·96E.

Notice 713 of 2020.pdfNotice 713 refers

Notice 713.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1606 and 1607

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.4.

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.1.

Five reductions of depth in the Princes Channel, west of the Tongue Sand Tower and on the Tongue close to the north cardinal marking the shoal wind farm power line.

Week  5

ENGLAND - East Coast - Drying heights. Depths.


drying height, 1, and extend 0m low water line SW to enclose 51° 37´·40N., 1° 13´·12E.  Delete depth, 0.5, close NW.

drying height, 0.3, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 37´·25N., 1° 12´·28E.  Delete depth, 0.2, close W.

drying height, 1.4, enclosed by 0m low water line 51° 37´·03N., 1° 11´·49E.  Delete depth, 0.8, close NE.

depth, 3.3, and extend 5m contour SE to enclose 51° 36´·94N., 1° 12´·25E.  Delete depth, 11.1, close N.

drying height, 0.8, and extend 0m low water line E to enclose 51° 36´·80N., 1° 11´·16E.  Delete depth, 0.5, close SW.

depth, 0.3, and extend approximate 2m contour NW to enclose 51° 36´·20N., 1° 14´·06E.  Delete depth, 2.6, close SW.

drying height, 0.4, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 35´·93N., 1° 13´·66E.  Delete depth, 2.8, close SE.

drying height, 1, enclosed by 0m low water line at 51° 35´·42N., 1° 12´·56E.  Delete depth, 2.9, close S. and depth, 7.1, close NE

Notice 577 of 2020.pdfNotice 577 refers

Notice 577.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C1 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  1183, 1606, 1607 and 1975

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5606.2, 5606.6, 5607.2, 5607.3

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.1, 2100.1.

Eight significant reductions/new drying heights on the Barrow and Knock John Sands.  Effectively that suggests that the old Knock John swatch is now closed!

Week  4

ENGLAND - South East Coast - Depths.


depth, 26 at 51° 19´·80N., 1° 54´·82E.  Delete depth, 26.5, close N.

Notice 447 of 2020.pdfNotice 447 refers

Notice 447.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  323, 1406, 1610 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5605.2, 5606.1

One small reduction of depth in the edge of the SW TSS close south of the F2 special mark.  The Imray chart is already correct.  At 26m unlikely to hinder leisure craft!

Week  3

ENGLAND - South East Coast - Depths.


depth, 20.7 at 51° 12´·51N., 1° 43´·19E.

Delete depth, 21, close S or 20.9 there.

Notice 322 of 2020.pdfNotice 322 refers

Notice 322.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Chart C30 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  323, 1406, 1610 and 2449

Imray Charts:  C30

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5605.1, 5605.2, 5606.1, 5606.3

Imray Leisure Folios: 2100.7.

One isolated reduced depths in the SW bound TSS south of the Tail of the Falls.

Week  3

ENGLAND - East Coast - NM Block. Depth. Drying heights.


drying height, 2.7 at 51° 58´·59N., 1° 23´·34E.

Chart 2693


 the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 58´·8N., 1° 23´·5E.

drying height, 0.6, and extend 0m low water line S to enclose 52° 02´·23N., 1° 27´·66E.  Delete depth, 0.2, close N.

Notice 383 of 2020.pdfNotice 383 refers

Notice 383 combined.pdf

Base image courtesy of Imray ID10 Folio 2000.3 and Meridian Chartware


UKHO Charts:  2052, 2693 and 2695  (Panel C)

Imray Charts:  C1

UKHO Leisure Folios: 5607.5, 5607.6, 5607.8B

Imray Leisure Folios: 2000.3.

One ‘new’ drying height close to the Mid Knoll starboard hand buoy at the Deben Haven and a ‘new’ drying height between the Oxley and Weir buoys at the entrance of the Ore.  The notice also includes a new block for the Deben Haven.  NOTE that no 2020 survey has yet been taken this year to the best of my knowledge.  East Coast Pilot will update information for 2020 as soon as it becomes available.